LegionDark / Issues

[ARCHIVE] Issue tracking for the LegionDark private server.
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Grounds keeper, looses interest after magic ago, does not agro to magic after that #1614

Open BrenMcM opened 6 years ago

BrenMcM commented 6 years ago

Date & Time: 14:44

FFXI Client Version (use /ver): 30170707_0

Server's Expected Client Version matches, yes/no? (use $ecv): 30170707_0

Character Name: Tenketsu

Nation: Sandoria

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): Paladin 69

NPC or Monster or item Name: Grounds Keeper

Zone name: Ru'Un Gardens

Coordinates (use $where): X:3 y:-42 z:-297

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: While in Ru'Un gardens skilling magic. Fighting a Groundskeeper. I took agro from another groundskeeper, which after a few minutes. Lost interest, walked of and would not agro to magic their after.

Could be a bug? I've not seen it in retail, nor has it occurred in any other zone (not to my notice anyways).

ghost commented 6 years ago

It was probably stuck on an invisible path or something. Was it able to hit you?

BrenMcM commented 6 years ago

Hi Rae, yeah, for the time it was on me it was hitting me no problem.

ghost commented 6 years ago

What I think happened was you aggroed it and were standing in a position the mob couldn't easily get to you and so it just lost interest and walked away. Ive seen that happen quite a bit with different mobs in other zones.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago


even if it already hit you, if you stand at a spot it cant stand on itself, mob just says "naaaa ferget this"

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

if 100% sure this wasn't that I may have to update my dsp ticket

BrenMcM commented 6 years ago

Well the spot I was standing, was from my perspective, a very reachable spot as it was the big open spot where Grounds keepers spawn in Alcoves on either side and some down the middle , however I'm no expert in understanding how dsp replicates/handles npc movement and restrictions. I would recomend trying to replicate and make that decision for yourselves if possible, as you guys are the experts :)

ghost commented 6 years ago

I checked more into this and was only able to replicate the known issue with them just aggroing standing in spots they dont like and then they just twitch out and walk away. So its exactly the way Teo explained on his DSP ticket.