LegionDark / Issues

[ARCHIVE] Issue tracking for the LegionDark private server.
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Is it possible to make Theraisie (jueno G-6) sell Jug Pets for BST? #1766

Open brobrobro187 opened 6 years ago

brobrobro187 commented 6 years ago

Date & Time: 12/31/17

FFXI Client Version (use /ver):

Server's Expected Client Version matches, yes/no? (use !ecv):

Character Name: Bro

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level):

NPC or Monster or item Name:

Zone name:

Coordinates (use !where):

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only):

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection):

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: Just wondering if is possible to make her a vendor that sells Jug pets. not a huge issue but atm its difficult to get jug pets. Thanks again