LegionDark / Issues

[ARCHIVE] Issue tracking for the LegionDark private server.
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Ravenous Cacklaw/npc crab weakness TP moves #1775

Open spectre99 opened 6 years ago

spectre99 commented 6 years ago

Date & Time: 1/8/82018

FFXI Client Version
(use /ver to see your version)
: 30171103_1

Server's Expected Client Version matches?
(use !ecv to see expected version)
: yes

Character Name: Spectre

Nation: Windurst

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): Pld99/rdm49

NPC or Monster or item Name: Ravenous Cacklaw/NPC crab wonder

Zone name: Bibiki Bay

Coordinates (use !where): x -116 y 0 z-587 (249)

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only): na

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): no

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: Ravenous Cacklaw has 2 tp moves that give the player weakness, Rending Deluge and Riptide somethingarather. In the past whenever you got hit by one of these moves you'd get put in weak state, if the mob did rending/riptide again while you were weak I believe it would either reset the weakness timer or do nothing at all. Now it seems when you're weak and it does a tp move that's supposed to weaken you again, it drops your hp and mp down to 1, making it almost impossible to fight the mob since at times it really likes to spam those tp moves.

R3P0FFXI commented 6 years ago

@spectre99 previously the issue was it would apply or reduce dmg after HP was calculated often insta killing players. @TeoTwawki has resolved these issues and all moves/strategies should be functioning correctly. These mobs were designed for various different strategies. I recommend not just bringing 1 pld IE yourself and a bunch of mules to kill. Bring a legit alliance of players to kill, or stunning said moves preventing them from going off. I can confirm a group 2 weeks ago had 0 issues killing the crab.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

i need to check something - what he describes should not happen weak doesnt stack