LegionDark / Issues

[ARCHIVE] Issue tracking for the LegionDark private server.
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Shofar/Behemoth Horn Unobtainable (Gjallarhorn) / Lootblox gives Moko Grass instead of B.Horn for x25 M.Silver #778

Closed Hallabaloo4 closed 8 years ago

Hallabaloo4 commented 8 years ago

Date & Time: 3/24/2016 9:29PM PST

FFXI Client Version (use /ver): 30160302_0

Character Name: Halabaloo

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): All

NPC or Monster or item Name: Lootblox

Zone name & Coordinates (use @where): All

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only): 883

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): No

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: Behemoth Horn doesn't drop from King Behemoth here, and the Lootblox will not give you a Behemoth Horn for x25 M.Silver's and instead gives you Moko Grass. Shofar also isn't stocked by the AH. Trying to make Gjallarhorn :[

Lootblox glitch: Trade Lootblox x25 M. Silver's and he'll give you a Moko Grass instead of a Behemoth horn.

Baucant commented 8 years ago

so what you saying is that it is obtainable but you don't want to do the work....i understand

Hallabaloo4 commented 8 years ago

It was my understanding that using currency to purchase these items was to be a last resort. This item for the Gjallarhorn is the only item in the series of relics in which that last resort is the only option for purchasing it and i posted this because i wasn't sure if that was intended or not. Of course if you'd rather ridicule me for being active in posting things here on what i assume aren't intended (even if some of them are less serious) instead of being helpful or a useful source of information, that's up to you. I'm going to entirely disregard what you said though and continue to hope an answer lands on this post instead of things like that. Another form of answer would have been much more appreciated.

Hallabaloo4 commented 8 years ago

-Reposting a comment as trading 25 M.Silverpieces to Lootblox in Davoi gives you a Moko grass despite it even saying under "Trading Montiant Silverpieces" It says he'll give you a horn for x25. Goodbye my sweet 25 M.Silverpieces... sheds tears

TeoTwawki commented 8 years ago

@R3P0FFXI Gave player their horn that Lootblox conned them out of. Forward the moko grass thing to DSP, and then let me know what we're doing about those behemoth horns later.

R3P0FFXI commented 8 years ago

@TeoTwawki Behemoth Horns have been added to drop pool and will go in on the next maint.