Legitamine / metanthropes

Metanthropes Early Access System for Foundry VTT
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Modular System Required Changes Overview #226

Closed bofhgr closed 4 months ago

bofhgr commented 9 months ago

UI Changes in relation to: isNarrator isConductor isOrchestrator

Include Item Sheets and Rolls for Items <>

bofhgr commented 9 months ago

New Designations: isNarrator isMetaCore isMetaHomebrew

Define Narrator vs Core vs Homebrew 'capabilities' for GameMasters: Element | Narrator | Core | Homebrew Create Actor | No | Yes (selected types) | Homebrew (all early access) Create Item | No | No | Homebrew (all early access) Create Scene | No | Yes | Homebrew (all early access) Create Journal | No | Yes | Homebrew (all early access) Create RollTables | No | Yes | Homebrew (all early access) Create Playlists | No | Yes | Homebrew (all early access) Only if approved by Elgato to redistribute the OST Create Compendiums | No | Yes | Homebrew (all early access)

bofhgr commented 8 months ago


bofhgr commented 8 months ago

Change Portrait - ensure you can upload your own image from Introductory onwards

bofhgr commented 8 months ago

Similar to how Players are unable to edit their Items, Narrators without the Homebrew Module enabled, are no longer able to edit any Items. Players & Narrators can only edit any of the Actor's Progression/Experience/Perks if the Core Module is enabled.

We want: Yes to add/remove Possessions - No to Metapowers

Combos tab: visible - The Combos Module is not currently available - promo link Stay Tuned for upcoming announcements at metanthropes.com

bofhgr commented 8 months ago

Need both UI/UX, Design and Document Changes Core:

Breaking changes/issues regardless:


bofhgr commented 8 months ago

system includes 100 protagonist portraits, intro includes portraits of NPCs / Antagonists and core should have it's own set of new portraits saga notes in core cover in system nar toolkit expanded via core and other modules (intro specifics?) homebrew requires core + system

bofhgr commented 8 months ago

aether/nether and other visual macros should have modules listed as pre-requisite and auto-installed audio pending on storyblocks reply - macros should be as above + included in the respective module end of scene yes - the other move to core edit prot details - stay in system edit prot stats - move to core in system, Narrator can change the Name of all Actors


bofhgr commented 8 months ago

New Demo (Sample?) Compendiums - Can they be hidden once Core is installed? Demo Metanthropes (Starting Character, End of a Saga XP, End of an Epoch XP) - perhaps showcase some of the existing ones from the Metabase as inspiration ? Demo Sample Antagonists (Perhaps Iconic Characters with slight variations to avoid copyright infringements, but showcase the capabilities of the system for both RP + Combat) Demo Sample NPCs - Civilians, Agents or other NPCs with or without metapowers - perhaps show non-humans as well ?

bofhgr commented 8 months ago

Usage of Actor Type Protagonist vs Metanthrope - it's about the brand, not the code!

bofhgr commented 7 months ago

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

Foundry VTT Functionality | Narrator (Gamemaster) Features per Module -- | -- System | Introductory | Core | Homebrew Actors | Demo | ✔️ 20 Premade | ✔️+ CYO* | ✔️+ CYO* Metapowers | Demo | ✔️ 10 (⏫* 1 - 3) | ✔️ 100 (⏫* 1 - 5) | ✔️ 100 (⏫* 1 - 5) + CYO* Possessions | Demo | ✔️ 5 Premade | ✔️ 50 Premade | ✔️+ CYO* Pre-Configured Scenes | Demo | ✔️ 2 Premade | ✔️+ CYO* | ✔️+ CYO* Journals | Demo | ✔️ | ✔️+ CYO* | ✔️+ CYO* Rollable Tables | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️+ CYO* | ✔️+ CYO* Narrator Toolkit Macros | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ Character Progression | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ Customize System Rules | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ Beta Testing | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ NOTES | CYO* : Create Your Own ⏫: Metapower Level