Merged John Hopkins (non-US) and New York Times (US) dataset for consistent spatial scale ("Covid19_YYYYMMDD.csv" in Dataset folder)
Included confirmed cases and deaths count
Available in country, state/province and county/city (label as Admin2) levels;
e.g. for the US,
data row 15448: # of cases in the US is 85618 on 3/26/20
data row 15382 # of cases in Wyoming is 56 on 3/26/20
data row 14047 # of cases in Teton, WY is 8 on 3/26/20
when load to javascript, use filter to select appropriate level of data (e.g. country level data has empty value for "Admin2" and "Province_State" fields.)
consolidate the master folder for all datasets (cases, gdp, population)
cosolidate timeseries coronavirus data sources