LeikRad / IES_CountMeIn

Group 4's project for IES. Count Me In, an automatic sensor service that controls the number of people inside a room.
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Report Fix #4

Closed MrLoydHD closed 10 months ago

MrLoydHD commented 10 months ago

This issue encapsulates the recent improvements made to the user stories and personas associated with the CountMeIn system. The aim of these refinements is to enhance clarity, add specificity, and ensure conciseness, thereby aligning them more closely with our project objectives and user needs.

Key Improvements:

Personas: The profiles of Sofia (library patron), Dona Celeste (library administrator), and Carlos Costa (security personnel) have been updated to reflect more detailed motivations and interactions with the CountMeIn system, providing a clearer context for their roles and requirements.

User Stories: We have honed the user stories across three epics—Real-Time Occupancy Monitoring, Space Management and Optimization, and Emergency Override Protocols—to be more specific in their objectives and acceptance criteria. This includes:

Real-time occupancy information for users (Epic 1) Local display checks for space occupancy (Epic 1) Administrative controls for space optimization (Epic 2) Emergency access for security personnel (Epic 3) Emergency system shutdown capabilities (Epic 3) Acceptance Criteria: The acceptance criteria for each user story have been expanded to include detailed conditions that must be met, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the system's expected behavior and the value it provides to the users.

Outcome: These enhancements are expected to streamline the development process by providing clear, actionable guidance for the development team and aligning the system's functionalities more closely with the end-users' needs.

Next Steps: The development team is tasked with reviewing these refinements, ensuring they are in line with the project's scope, and incorporating them into the upcoming development sprints.

Note: The team is encouraged to maintain this level of clarity and specificity as we continue to iterate on the system's design and functionality.

MrLoydHD commented 10 months ago

The "Key Requirements and Constraints" section within our architecture notebook has undergone comprehensive updates to address the intricate aspects of the CountMeIn system's design and functionality:

Furthermore, the Architectural Framework has been refined to reflect the client-server model's pivotal role in processing and decision-making, leveraging Kafka for message brokering and SQL and Redis for data persistence.

These enhancements are crafted to fortify the CountMeIn system's structural and operational integrity. The team is encouraged to review these updates and provide further inputs where deemed necessary.

AlexandreCotorobai commented 10 months ago

Sequence Diagram done