Lej77 / tab-count-in-window-title

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Have to manually & continually open ext to count #10

Open JohnDohe opened 2 months ago

JohnDohe commented 2 months ago

1) This extension does not function with reboot. Must tap ext icon in FF toolbar, tap Settings, tap Options tab, tap "Start updating window titles" to get actual tab count in each window to display.

2) Then, in a short time, the tab count per window is lost and (1) above must be repeated.

Please fix so that this extension is permanently active.

Lej77 commented 2 months ago

This extension should already set the title preface at browser startup (even for restored windows). I think your issue is likely because the titlePreface property of a window is shared by all extensions so if you have another extension installed that also sets the preface then it might overwrite the tab count preface set by this extension. Perhaps you could try disabling other extensions or checking their option menus to see if you can prevent them from updating the title preface.

Examples of other extensions that use the window preface is:

These addons might set the window preface even when you haven't specified any window name in which case they would clear any existing title prefaces.

I suppose it is also possible that this extension has a bug somewhere, for example a race condition, that prevents the tab count from being shown but that seems unlikely since the tab count is lost after a short time. The most likely outcome of a bug would be missed title updates, not clearing any existing title preface.