Lej77 / tab-count-in-window-title

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Extremely minor - Typo in AddOn's configuration interface. Trivial to fix, and will make a better impression on newbs. #8

Closed aprilia1k closed 2 years ago

aprilia1k commented 3 years ago

tl;dr - under the "Keyboard shortcuts" configuration, instructions begin with: "Select one of the text inputs bellow and then ...".

The word "bellow" should be changed to "below".

The configuration/management interface for Tab-Count is actually very good, even impressive. It cleverly employs a variation of a "drawers" paradigm, where the details are hidden until one selects a particular configuration area/type, e.g the above mentioned Keyboard-shortcuts settings. This keeps things looking neat and uncluttered.

Compared to the average Add-on, this one's interface is clean and well-organized. The instructions and explanations for settings are straightforward and to-the-point, without sacrificing any clarity. Seriously it looks good. This is one more reason the typo stands out - it just doesn't fit this nice UI. ;-)

-------------------------------- Long-winded, silly description:

So, when tapping on the "Keyboard shortcuts" heading to have a look at this feature, the following sentence looked even more silly than it might otherwise have (some stoned newb might actually select an input, then bellow something like "I'm so stoned!", then proceed to close the window because he forgot what he was doing... pardon the silly humor please, but this isn't a corporate SMS and we're all friends here, eh? :-)

"Select one of the text inputs bellow and then make a keyboard combination..."

I'll put a tl;dr at the top. Gotta change "bellow" to "below".

Lej77 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all the kind words! I did put a bit of effort into making the option page UI nice to use!

I definitively agree that this typo is silly and should be fixed so I appreciate that you brought it to my attention. I have released version 5.6 of this extension which includes the fix for this typo among some other small improvements.