Lej77 / tab-unloader-for-tree-style-tab

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[Enhancement] #2

Closed perdolka closed 1 year ago

perdolka commented 6 years ago
Lej77 commented 6 years ago

@perdolka I might implement something like that but is it really needed when there are other extensions that also support Tree Style Tab which implement this such as Auto Tab Discard by richard_neomy.

perdolka commented 6 years ago

Auto Tab Discard still has some old issues with TST: https://github.com/rNeomy/auto-tab-discard/issues/26 https://github.com/rNeomy/auto-tab-discard/issues/28

UnloadTabs - just doesn't work for me for some reason.

Anyway, it would be great to add at least "suspend the whole tree". Thanks for the great addon.

Lej77 commented 6 years ago

@perdolka https://github.com/rNeomy/auto-tab-discard/issues/26 seems to be the same issue as what you reported in https://github.com/Lej77/tab-unloader-for-tree-style-tab/issues/3. So this isn't something that should make this extension better than Auto Tab Discard.

https://github.com/rNeomy/auto-tab-discard/issues/28 should be fixed with https://github.com/rNeomy/auto-tab-discard/pull/49.

UnloadTabs should work. Did you go to its options page and check the Dim unloaded Tabs and add context menu options. checkbox?

I'll keep your requests in mind when I work more on this extension.

perdolka commented 6 years ago

Did you go to its options page and check the Dim unloaded Tabs and add context menu options. checkbox?

I didn't notice this option. Thanks.

Lej77 commented 6 years ago

@perdolka I have released a new version (v5.0) and it includes a context menu item to unload a whole tree. It is disabled by default though so you have to open the options page and activate it. The option is located in the Context menu items section in the sub section Unload tree. In that sub-section select the Add a context menu item in Tree Style Tab's context menu to unload a tab tree. checkbox and the item will be added to the context menu.

I will keep your other suggestions in mind for future versions of the extension.

perdolka commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

dxlr8r commented 5 years ago

add timer for automatic suspend

That would be awesome. Then I could finally switch to Quantum!

Lej77 commented 5 years ago

@dxlr8r Any reason why you can't use Auto Tab Discard by richard_neomy for automatic suspend?

dxlr8r commented 5 years ago

I had issues with that extension last time I tried Quantum. My urls was rewritten, etc. But I guess you all target the same API's?

Lej77 commented 5 years ago

@dxlr8r We use the same API's yes but most issues are probably because of the implementation, not the API's, so if/when I implement auto discarding it should not have the same problem.

dsl101 commented 4 years ago

I'd love an option in the main Left / Middle / Right settings to unload a whole tree if the tab clicked has children. The context menu is OK, but much more cumbersome to use, and I'd like to have unload tree as a default. I can't currently see a way to do that?

Lej77 commented 4 years ago

@dsl101 You are right that there is no way to currently unload a tree when Left / Middle / Right clicking a tab but that is a good idea. If I get some time over I'll see about implementing it!

Lej77 commented 4 years ago

@dsl101 I just released version 6.0 of the extension and it has some support for unloading trees when clicking on a tab. It now has a new checkbox for each mouse button's section that says Unload Tree: if the tab that should be unloaded has child tabs then those will be unloaded as well. and will switch that mouse button from unloading a single tab to unloading a whole tree.

dsl101 commented 4 years ago

Fab—will check it out now :). Thanks!

dsl101 commented 4 years ago

Great—that works well, apart from in one common (for me) scenario. I create 'folders' using the TST built in URL like this:


This is a really useful way of keeping tabs organised, but I rarely, if ever, click on the actual folder itself (just use the open/close icon to expand & collapse it). I have Unload Tab assigned to Alt+Left Click, but if I do that on an already unloaded folder, nothing happens to the tree of tabs underneath.

Would it be possible, in this case, even though the tab being clicked on is already unloaded and therefore doesn't need its state changing, your extension could still check for potentially loaded child tabs and unload them?


Lej77 commented 4 years ago

@dsl101 Yeah, that sounds like a bug. I'll try to fix that soon!

Lej77 commented 4 years ago

@dsl101 I release version 6.1 of the extension which includes a fix for the issue you noticed, so it should work correctly now.

ls-1N commented 1 year ago

I think automatic tab suspension is now built into Firefox and this issue can be closed, no? And I feel automatic tab unloading should be a separate addon anyway - in synergy with - rather than a part of this addon.

dsl101 commented 1 year ago

@i-need-to-tell-you-something I think that is 2 different things. I wasn't looking for automatic tab suspension, but the option to explicitly suspend a 'tree' of tabs. The current solution from @Lej77 is working well for me though, so I suspect you're right that this can be closed.

Lej77 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I am quite sure I won't be Implementing any automatic suspend functionality in this addon so I will close this issue now.