LelouchFR / skill-icons

Successor of Skill Icons. Showcase your skills on your Github readme or resumé with ease ✨
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[FEAT]: Website #101

Open LelouchFR opened 1 week ago

LelouchFR commented 1 week ago


The point will be to be able to pick the order in the way the icons should show up, and be able to customize a little bit anything about it. It would have a homepage which tells the story about the project, show contributor on the page, and some insights about the api and some other things. You could click on a button to generate a link, copy to clipboard, and other customisations.

Additional Information

Here is the figma file on which is going to get worked on (ask for permission if you want to contribute to the file): https://www.figma.com/design/ZsJxrxKOxXN8Hry65uAnxc/Skill-Icons-Website?node-id=0-1&t=UwXYf5yHxZ0dkAKE-1

Code of Conduct Acknowledgment

Francois-lenne commented 1 week ago

@LelouchFR if you are a student you can have figma premium for free :


LelouchFR commented 1 week ago

@LelouchFR if you are a student you can have figma premium for free :


well... the thing is that I'm still in lycée (terminal), so I'm not technically a student :/ so I just have 3 figma files, and they are already used at there whole potential, this is sad.

LelouchFR commented 6 days ago

@Francois-lenne I found out I could just create a new team :P so It's all good I guess, here is the link: https://www.figma.com/design/ZsJxrxKOxXN8Hry65uAnxc/Skill-Icons-Website?node-id=0-1&t=UwXYf5yHxZ0dkAKE-1

ItsJoshBrown commented 6 days ago

A website would be cool.

are you meaning, you want to set something like this set up?


https://www.skilliconsgenerator.com/ https://svelte.dev/repl/e29cb982e5df4cbc8b80fdc9ad04cbe8?version=3.48.0

for like an icon picker etc?

eng-gabrielscardoso commented 6 days ago

@ItsJoshBrown yes, but more I guess, a complete homepage describing the project about, history, how to contribute, a icon picker (how you mentioned), etc. We could map the features that the website could have, including this

LelouchFR commented 6 days ago

@ItsJoshBrown It would be one of the parts of the website, so people can make their icons as they want, with all the possible ways to modify their link (in plane text, if you know what I mean). Also another part that would be cool is link a simple homepage to direct people on the repo and the socials (I think it could be interesting to open a discord server) and a simple way to display what the project is about.

knightmar commented 3 days ago

Just to warn you : the link of the repo is leading to a 404 error : https://go-skill-icons.vercel.app/ idk if the url changed

sckoorp commented 3 days ago

@knightmar it's not really an error, it's just a not found 404 error page, cause there is nothing to display on that route, the main route of the api is https://go-skill-icons.vercel.app/api/icons?i={icon_id}

knightmar commented 3 days ago

Yeap I know, but if there is no main page, don't put the link in the repo description, it may be confusing. (Or just put a basic main page with a link to this repo)

sckoorp commented 3 days ago

When the site is released, the link will be replaced, i know it's confusing (patience is the key to relief)

LelouchFR commented 3 days ago

Yeap I know, but if there is no main page, don't put the link in the repo description, it may be confusing. (Or just put a basic main page with a link to this repo)

The thing is that I didn't even put the link there, vercel at some point decided to put that here :P I didn't tried to changed but it will be functional after the creation of the website