LelouchFR / skill-icons

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[NEW ICON]: WSL #107

Open RushilJalal opened 5 days ago

RushilJalal commented 5 days ago

Skill Name



It's popular to run Linux on Windows.

Reference Image

wsl-icon 1

Converted to SVG but couldn't remove the bg.

Code of Conduct Acknowledgment

LelouchFR commented 4 days ago

@RushilJalal I've been trying to make the wsl logo from scratch, but I'm having some trouble when it scales... The beak has some problem and I'm still trying to get it to be perfect, but the icons should look something like that, what do you think ?


RushilJalal commented 4 days ago

@LelouchFR Looks great imo

Yeah, the beak is slightly different from the original but it's hardly noticeable. If possible, try adding a black border to both icons.

LelouchFR commented 1 day ago

@LelouchFR Looks great imo

Yeah, the beak is slightly different from the original but it's hardly noticeable. If possible, try adding a black border to both icons.

The thing with the beak is not that it's different on this scale, but it's that the beak (that I've done) is 2 circles that are group together and centered together the thing is that if you upscale or downscale the icon, the circle on the top (the lighter one) is not scaling correctly (it doesn't at all) and gets not centered anymore.

RushilJalal commented 1 day ago

Could you share the file with me? Or maybe a video? Also what is the need of upscaling or downscaling? Wouldn't the icons always remain the same size when used by the users?

LelouchFR commented 1 day ago

Could you share the file with me? Or maybe a video? Also what is the need of upscaling or downscaling? Wouldn't the icons always remain the same size when used by the users?

sure ! (normally if you copy paste the svg code in figma, it will output as an svg and not text):


<svg width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<svg width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<path d="M46 100.5C46 54.9365 82.9365 18 128.5 18C174.063 18 211 54.9365 211 100.5V230.766C211 234.761 207.761 238 203.766 238H53.234C49.2388 238 46 234.761 46 230.766V100.5Z" fill="#0A5DA9"/>
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<clipPath id="clip0_658_71">
<rect x="101" y="121.053" width="55" height="55" rx="27.5" fill="white"/>

Just the logo I've done:

<svg width="285" height="380" viewBox="0 0 285 380" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M0 142.5C0 63.7994 63.7994 0 142.5 0C221.201 0 285 63.7994 285 142.5V367.505C285 374.406 279.406 380 272.505 380H12.4952C5.59429 380 0 374.406 0 367.505V142.5Z" fill="#0A5DA9"/>
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<circle cx="83.5" cy="142.5" r="22.5" fill="black"/>
<circle cx="201.5" cy="142.5" r="22.5" fill="black"/>
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_658_22)">
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RushilJalal commented 1 day ago

These look perfect! I fail to understand the issue here.

LelouchFR commented 1 day ago

These look perfect! I fail to understand the issue here.

as said before, the size there is 256x256 (as every icon), when rendered using the api, it gets downscaled to 48x48; the one circle in the beak get then the whole beak. if in the future, we get the posibility to upscale or downscale the icons, there will be a problem (even if there is already the problem right now with this icon).

RushilJalal commented 1 day ago

Is downscaling to 48x48 different from dragging the SVG and making it 48x48? Because when I tried reducing the size of the SVG in Figma, there were no issues.

LelouchFR commented 19 hours ago

Is downscaling to 48x48 different from dragging the SVG and making it 48x48? Because when I tried reducing the size of the SVG in Figma, there were no issues.

wait huh lol, just had to export reimport and it works fine now ! thanks !