Closed ShayanTheNerd closed 1 month ago
It's a powerful CSS engine built on top of well-known CSS frameworks such as TailwindCSS and WindiCSS.
<svg xmlns="" width="220" height="220" viewBox="0 0 220 220" fill="none"> <path d="M117.444 167.888C117.444 140.273 139.83 117.888 167.444 117.888V117.888C195.058 117.888 217.444 140.273 217.444 167.888V167.888C217.444 195.502 195.058 217.888 167.444 217.888V217.888C139.83 217.888 117.444 195.502 117.444 167.888V167.888Z" fill="#858585"/> <path d="M117.444 53C117.444 25.3858 139.83 3 167.444 3V3C195.058 3 217.444 25.3858 217.444 53V98C217.444 100.761 215.205 103 212.444 103H122.444C119.683 103 117.444 100.761 117.444 98V53Z" fill="#CCCCCC"/> <path d="M102 167.888C102 195.502 79.6142 217.888 52 217.888V217.888C24.3858 217.888 2 195.502 2 167.888L2.00001 122.888C2.00001 120.126 4.23859 117.888 7.00001 117.888L97 117.888C99.7614 117.888 102 120.126 102 122.888L102 167.888Z" fill="#4D4D4D"/> </svg>
Skill Name
It's a powerful CSS engine built on top of well-known CSS frameworks such as TailwindCSS and WindiCSS.
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