LemADEC / WarpDrive

A warp drive mod for minecraft
69 stars 40 forks source link

Change scanner to shipyard #21

Open LemADEC opened 8 years ago

LemADEC commented 8 years ago

Replace existing bugged scanner block with a shipyard multiblock structure:

TheNumenorean commented 8 years ago

I really like this idea

LemADEC commented 8 years ago

Shipyard laser should be Shipyard magnet, with orientation towards center, helping define the shipyard shape.

Shipyard bot spawner is the one actually assembling/disassembling ship with flying blocks.

Shipyard length should be higher than diameter (no gigantic halo building massive ships from only 4 magnets). Need to detect shipyard shell so it doesn't self dismount. Actual building area should be a cylinder, need some way to materialize it, maybe build the structure itself?

Sasszem commented 8 years ago

What happens if y use it as an AE2 spatial addon? It cost resources from the network, can be copyed, etc?

LemADEC commented 8 years ago

As far as I know, AE2 is unable to copy a region, it can only restore a previous one. WarpDrive already has the base code to copy, it's only missing the user interface for it.