LemADEC / WarpDrive

A warp drive mod for minecraft
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OpenComputers locks up on chunk loading or moving ship #420

Open falconraptor opened 4 years ago

falconraptor commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Any opencomputers computer that is on when warping will freeze. The only way to use the computer again is to reboot it.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. make small ship to test
  2. place opencomputers computer and install openos
  3. install warpshipcore
  4. reboot
  5. warp
  6. try to use computer after warp

Expected behavior Either the opencomputers computer rebooting or not freezing (still able to be used) after warp

Logs https://gist.github.com/falconraptor/e6b1d7cc686eb6fcf5f00f54d564d261

Versions (latest is not a valid answer)

LemADEC commented 4 years ago

This is a known issue in one of OpenComputers dependencies, here: https://github.com/fnuecke/eris/issues/29

WarpDrive LUA scripts are affected by this, see https://github.com/LemADEC/WarpDrive/issues/265 .

LemADEC commented 3 years ago

For the record, issue is also reproduced in the LUA console, without WarpDrive.

IpsumCapra commented 3 years ago

I have made a custom OS for OpenComputers that bypasses this problem. It can be found here. I'd love to see feedback, feel free to ask me questions if you run into any problems with it.

kappa-maintainer commented 3 years ago

@IpsumCapra Good job, the OS works perfectly.

rscrappy commented 3 years ago

Hello, it appears that this issue is back, or never fixed. Upon testing in both singleplayer, and on a server, the system still freezes after jumping. I am using OpenComputers, With WarpDrive 1.5.19. I have tried a few fixes, none have worked.

LemADEC commented 3 years ago

the issue was never fixed in the first place, hence why the ticket is still open...

rscrappy commented 3 years ago

Oh, of course, my apologies, I thought there was a patch. I should have paid attention.

kappa-maintainer commented 3 years ago

Oh, of course, my apologies, I thought there was a patch. I should have paid attention.

You can try @IpsumCapra 's script, it works well without rebooting in my game.

rscrappy commented 3 years ago

Oh, of course, my apologies, I thought there was a patch. I should have paid attention.

You can try @IpsumCapra 's script, it works well without rebooting in my game.

Yeah, I did try that, but for some reason jumping wouldn't work. I was able to set a target and such, but it simply wouldn't jump.

kappa-maintainer commented 3 years ago

The script works well in my game, maybe something got wrong in the installation process ?