LemADEC / WarpDrive

A warp drive mod for minecraft
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Unable to Load a World #532

Closed Hamsterpouch closed 1 year ago

Hamsterpouch commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Whenever i try to load my survival world, it gets stuck on 0%, which usually goes away so fast you can't really see it. It is NOT a crash, but the output log just says the same thing over and over again.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to space (all this using my modpack with my config options)
  2. Leave the world
  3. Close the gain (not necessary but both times this happened to me it was after i closed the game.)
  4. Attempt to re-open the world.

Expected behavior That world will not be loaded. You'll know this when it is stuck on the 0% in the dirt screen upon loading a world.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Logs https://pastebin.com/aSQ0A3w9

Versions (latest is not a valid answer)

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

LemADEC commented 1 year ago

We need the full logs, not a truncation, not a copy from console. We need the integral file. Consider using gist instead of pastebin, We need a full list of mods with their version.

Hamsterpouch commented 1 year ago

Okay. Also know that the log is 78762 lines long. Ill get the mod list later, I'm busy with school today. https://gist.github.com/Hamsterpouch/980bf4f5be9eb538070ddc02a2d2435a

Hamsterpouch commented 1 year ago

Important note: The thermal mods (foundation, core, and world) were not there at the time of this, so just ignore them. image image image image

LemADEC commented 1 year ago

That's a bug in FuturePack trying to access data while the dimension isn't fully loaded:

[16:29:50] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: terraformer3 joined the game
[16:29:50] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.event.world.WorldEvent$Load@413484d0:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Critical error: there's no celestial object defining client dimension DIM-101, unable to proceed further
    at cr0s.warpdrive.world.AbstractWorldProvider.getSaveFolder(AbstractWorldProvider.java:46) ~[AbstractWorldProvider.class:?]
    at futurepack.common.dim.scanning.FPChunkScanner.onWorldLoad(FPChunkScanner.java:370) ~[FPChunkScanner.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_1152_FPChunkScanner_onWorldLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
LemADEC commented 1 year ago

There's also compability issues, for example:

[16:27:44] [main/WARN] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.EssentialLoader]: Found an old version of Mixin (0.8.2). This may cause issues.
Hamsterpouch commented 1 year ago

ok thank you. Essential isnt a problem, so ill contact future packs dev.

Hunter24681 commented 1 year ago

@LemADEC I'm getting the same issue (similar log error, stuck at 0%) on a totally different modpack (RaCraft12). The issue didn't occur until I generated the space dimension. It might also require the player to be in space when quitting the game, but I'm not sure. It may not be directly an error in warp drive, but it seems like something in the way it loads is likely to cause errors elsewhere


The initial error is identical image

And it looks to me like it fails when forge fires the AttachCapabilitiesEvent. This occurs immediately before the exception stacktrace image

Given that other mods don't cause this I think warpdrive is loading something differently? Also confirmed by loading a pre space genration backup that the game loads fine before that.

Full log: https://paste.atlauncher.com/view/7615bd2e-7a0e-4f7e-809e-15d5b9f9880a I can attach the full modlist if requested.

LemADEC commented 1 year ago

That's an known issue in TheBetweenLands and their implementation of capabilities, nothing new here, sadly.

Hunter24681 commented 1 year ago

Wierd that it only manifests (so far) in the warpdrive dimension. To be fair I haven't started betweenlands on this pack yet so maybe that would do it too. Thanks for the info!

Sorry to bother you about this again, but would you have a link to the betweenlands issue? I wasn't able to find it

Hunter24681 commented 1 year ago

And thanks! Disabling the betweenlands saved my non-loading world!

Hamsterpouch commented 1 year ago

my issue is with future pack, as you probably saw. Solved/ prevented it by removing all future pack blocks in all warp drive dimentions.