LemmaLegalConsulting / docassemble-HousingCodeChecklist

UpToCode - Form tool for tenants to get help with housing conditions issues.
MIT License
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Create materials to help tenants negotiate in court, both for eviction and for affirmative complaint #61

Open nonprofittechy opened 3 years ago

nonprofittechy commented 3 years ago

Bad housing conditions are a defense to an eviction. We could make the evidence gathering process more robust and also the report more oriented towards negotiating with a landlord.

nonprofittechy commented 2 years ago

One idea that came up: create a sign that tenants can carry with them into court that says "I do not want to move out. I do not want to waive any claims unless we settle at a fair award of damages"

ScipioFoxicanus commented 2 years ago

I don't think a sign is a very good idea. Judges don't want to see signs they want to see evidence. A better idea is to create a database of photos of other places found to be uninhabitable so tenants can compare their living conditions to other conditions already found to be judicially uninhabitable.