All my API requests will return errors, even though they actually go through. If I restart , it works, but only for a little while.
This could be a release-blocking bug.
lemmy_1 | 2023-01-26T17:09:29.150965Z WARN Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request:
lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Session is closed
lemmy_1 | 0:
lemmy_1 | at crates/api_common/src/websocket/
lemmy_1 | 1: lemmy_api_crud::comment::create::perform
lemmy_1 | with self=CreateComment { content: "Mmmk", post_id: PostId(388517), parent_id: None, language_id: None, form_id: None, auth: Sensitive }
lemmy_1 | at crates/api_crud/src/comment/
lemmy_1 | 2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
All my API requests will return errors, even though they actually go through. If I restart , it works, but only for a little while.
This could be a release-blocking bug.