Lemon2ee / Tautify

Spotify client written with Tauri and Nextjs
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Spotify Authentication #2

Open Lemon2ee opened 1 month ago

Lemon2ee commented 1 month ago

mostly done in 74bfe6ca76d1a3a9bc8bacef713084c2540785d3, all logic implemented in the rust "backend" and write persistent data with tauri_store_plugin, need to work on refresh token logic though.

Lemon2ee commented 1 month ago

Token refresh is now checked whenever an Spotify API related function is called, as implemented in 02b0f3f1d4632f09e11eb6ec7488435521ab29a9. But now the problem is that when the backend refreshes the token, the frontend don't know, most importantly, the spotify player don't know. (never mind, getOAuthToken is the one)