LemonLDAPNG / Apache-Session-Browseable

Apache::Session::Browseable Perl module
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Redis connection to unix socket fails: "[error] Session cannot be tied: Could not connect to Redis server at unix:/run/redis/redis.sock: Invalid argument" #24

Closed pgnd closed 4 years ago

pgnd commented 4 years ago

I'm setting up Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis as LL:NG v2.0.8 session backend.

The doc page,


provides example params for a TCP connection

    Name   Comment      Example
    server Redis server

and further references,

"You can find the complete list of supported options on the Redis perl module documentation (https://metacpan.org/pod/Redis#new)"

@ that module's docs,


unix: socket support is claimed,

    The REDIS_SERVER can be used for UNIX domain sockets too. The following formats are supported:

My redis db is up & available on unix socket, with 16 DBs configured,

    redis-cli \
     -s /run/redis/redis.sock \
     -a ... \
    config get databases

        1) "databases"
        2) "16"

I've allocated DB # : 1 for lemonldap use.

I've added to LL:NG config,

   "globalStorage" : "Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis",
   "globalStorageOptions" : {
      "server" : "unix:/run/redis/redis.sock",
      "select" : 1,
      "Index"  : "whatToTrace ipAddr"

exec, after credential entry @ Portal login, fails @ error,

    Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::process('Lemonldap::NG::Po[Sat Aug 22 18:53:11 2020] [LLNG:26444] [error] Session cannot be tied: Could not connect to Redis server at unix:/run/redis/redis.sock: Invalid argument at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Apache/Session/Browseable/Store/Redis.pm line 35.
    [Sat Aug 22 19:05:56 2020] [LLNG:27072] [debug] Returned error: 8 (PE_APACHESESSIONERROR)


-         "server" : "unix:/run/redis/redis.sock",
+         "server" : "/run/redis/redis.sock",

has no effect; same result/error

coudot commented 4 years ago

Reading the documentation, I see that you should use sock instead server parameter in the configuration.

Only the REDIS_SERVER env can be use to configure TCP or socket connections, but here we don't use env, we directly use module parameters.

pgnd commented 4 years ago

Saw the examples, and completely missed the prior sentence:

"Alternatively you can use the sock parameter to specify the path of the UNIX domain socket where the Redis server is listening."


    globalStorage: Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis
-     server: unix:/run/redis/redis.sock
+     sock: unix:/run/redis/redis.sock
      select: 1
      index: whatToTrace ipAddr

& verifying in

          'globalStorage' => 'Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis',
          'globalStorageOptions' => {
                                      'index' => 'whatToTrace ipAddr',
                                      'select' => 1,
                                      'sock' => 'unix:/run/redis/redis.sock'

does remove the error reported above^^

in browser, after login @ LL:NG Portal, I now see:

"Apache::Session module failed"

and in logs

main::__ANON__('Could not connect to Redis server at unix:/run/redis/redis.sock: No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Apache/Session/Browseable/Store/Redis.pm line 35.^J') called at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Lemonldap/NG/Common/Session.pm line 186


-     sock: unix:/run/redis/redis.sock
+     sock: /run/redis/redis.sock

the "No such file ..." error is gone (looks like it handles just bare path, not the form with preceding 'unix:'), but still fails with

"Apache::Session module failed"

in browser, and in logs

Aug 23 07:44:04 srv003 LLNG[58491]: [debug] Store Doctor Who in session key cn
Aug 23 07:44:04 srv003 LLNG[58491]: [debug] Store 1598193844 in session key _utime
Aug 23 07:44:04 srv003 LLNG[58491]: [debug] Try to get a new SSO session
Aug 23 07:44:04 srv003 LLNG[58491]: [error] Session cannot be tied: [set] NOAUTH Authentication required.,  at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Apache/Session/Browseable/Store/Redis.pm line 52.
Aug 23 07:44:04 srv003 LLNG[58491]: [debug] Returned error: 8 (PE_APACHESESSIONERROR)


        my $id = $session->{data}->{_session_id};
52      $self->{cache}->set( $id, $session->{serialized} );
        foreach my $i (@$index) {

re-checking config/setup, switch BACK to

globalStorage: Apache::Session::File
  Directory:     /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions
  LockDirectory: /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock
  generateModule: Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::Generate::SHA256

works OK, as expected.

coudot commented 4 years ago

See https://serverfault.com/questions/722803/redis-error-noauth-authentication-required

pgnd commented 4 years ago


reading there

"Setting the requirepass configuration directive causes the server to require password authentication with the AUTH command before sending other commands. The redis.conf file states that clearly:"

    Require clients to issue AUTH before processing any other
    commands. This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
    others with access to the host running redis-server."


    grep requirepass /etc/redis/redis.conf
        requirepass ChangeMe

checking redis AUTH at cli,

    redis-cli \
     -s /run/redis/redis.sock \
     -a ChangeMe \
     INFO keyspace

        1) "dir"
        2) "/data/db/redis"

, is OK


per https://metacpan.org/pod/Redis#auth,

with LL:NG backend as

    globalStorage: Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis
      sock: /run/redis/redis.sock
      auth: ChangeMe
      select: 1
      index: whatToTrace ipAddr

turns out to be incorrect, & still returns

    2020/08/24 06:17:04 LLNG[39604] DEBUG: Try to get a new SSO session
    2020/08/24 06:17:04 LLNG[39604] ERROR: Session cannot be tied: [set] NOAUTH Authentication required.,  at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Apache/Session/Browseable/Store/Redis.pm line 52.
    2020/08/24 06:17:04 LLNG[39604] DEBUG: Returned error: 8 (PE_APACHESESSIONERROR)

The req'd fix is, per https://metacpan.org/pod/Redis#password,

    globalStorage: Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis
      sock: /run/redis/redis.sock
-     auth: ChangeMe
+     password: ChangeMe
      select: 1
      index: whatToTrace ipAddr

with checking @ redis-cli --help

  -a <password>      Password to use when connecting to the server.
                     You can also use the REDISCLI_AUTH environment
                     variable to pass this password more safely
                     (if both are used, this argument takes predecence).
  --user <username>  Used to send ACL style 'AUTH username pass'. Needs -a.
  --pass <password>  Alias of -a for consistency with the new --user option.
  --askpass          Force user to input password with mask from STDIN.
                     If this argument is used, '-a' and REDISCLI_AUTH
                     environment variable will be ignored.

a bit confusing, but ... fixed

adding to the config example/options @ LL:NG docs -- specifically for 'sock' & 'password' usage -- would be useful.


coudot commented 4 years ago

Hello @pgnd, you can propose some modifications on this file: https://gitlab.ow2.org/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng/-/blob/v2.0/doc/sources/admin/nosqlsessionbackend.rst