LengoLabs / qbot

Qbot is an advanced, easy to setup, free, and unbranded Discord-Roblox ranking bot. If at any time during setting it up you need assistance, you can join the support server.
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How do I use Trello API with Qbot, plus is it Possible? #50

Closed xxjohneyxx11 closed 3 years ago

IeuanGol commented 4 years ago

If you code it yourself it's technically possible..

However it's not supported, so no.

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

Alright, I don't know how to code it, but do you know how I can learn how to use Discord API and Trello API?

IeuanGol commented 4 years ago

Do you already have a good knowledge of JavaScript?

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

No, I just learned how to make Qbot by a Friend.

IeuanGol commented 4 years ago

A good knowledge of JS is required first.

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

Okay, I can learn..

sv-du commented 4 years ago

It's possible alright, we have the tools available

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

Okay, thanks.

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

Why is this Happening? ;deny-join - Denies a user's join request.;membercount Shows all of the Current Members`;getinfo Get's the Users ID, and username

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

+`${process.env.prefix}deny-join ` - Denies a user's join request.`

    + `\`${process.env.prefix}membercount Shows all of the Current Members`

    + `\`${process.env.prefix}getinfo <username> Get's the Users ID, and username.`,

    author: {
        name: message.author.tag,
        icon_url: message.author.displayAvatarURL()


xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago


TypicallyShad commented 4 years ago

Use \n for new lines,

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

What's wrong with this line? [+ \${process.env.prefix}membercount Shows all of the Current Members.

    + `\`${process.env.prefix}getinfo <username> Get's the Users ID, and username.`,
IeuanGol commented 4 years ago

Use \n for new lines,

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

I did, it says this: ;deny-join - Denies a user's join request. /n

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

equire('dotenv').config(); exports.run = async (client, message, args) => { return message.channel.send({embed: { color: 7948427, description: **Here are my commands:**\n

xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago


xxjohneyxx11 commented 4 years ago

@TypicallyShad Can you help?

xxjohneyxx11 commented 3 years ago


IeuanGol commented 3 years ago

What's the issue?

IeuanGol commented 3 years ago

Please could you close this issue if you've solved it now.