LennartHennigs / Button2

Arduino/ESP button library that provides callback functions to track single, double, triple and long clicks. It also takes care of debouncing.
MIT License
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How to handle initial button state? #28

Closed giannoug closed 3 years ago

giannoug commented 3 years ago

Consider the following button: Button2 bigRedButton = Button2(bigRedButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP, false, false);

For some weird reason, the button is pressed while the Arduino reboots. This doesn't fire any callbacks. I have tried setPressedHandler, setReleasedHandler and setChangedHandler. Since the button is not active low, shouldn't it trigger on boot? It works fine if I release and press it after booting.

LennartHennigs commented 3 years ago

Hey George, I will try to replicate this issue.

LennartHennigs commented 3 years ago

Hey George, I have a hard time duplicating the behavior you describe. But please checkout the latest version via GitHub and give it a try. I updated how I set the Initial values of the state and prev_state vars. Maybe this will solve your issue.