Leo512bit / Desert-Oil-War-Map

A large modmap for Openra
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Update the code for the playtest and upcoming version of openra #26

Open Leo512bit opened 3 years ago

Leo512bit commented 3 years ago

OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: SelfHealingInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: SelfHealingInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: WithNukeLaunchAnimationInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: SelfHealingInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: SelfHealingInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Missing Type: BurnsInfo Testing map: Desert Oil War incomplete R42.1 NAVAL HOTFIX OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: 1tnk.SpawnActorOnDeathInfo.Actor: Missing actor 1TNK.Husk. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type spen consumes conditions that are not granted: lowpower OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Warning: Actor type silo grants conditions that are not consumed: global-oil-silos OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type stek consumes conditions that are not granted: disabled, lowpower OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type bio.husk does not define a default visibility type! OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type e7 trait WithInfantryBody field DefaultAttackSequence references an undefined sequence shoot on image e7. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences failed with exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unit hoosp.husk does not have any sequences defined. at OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider.HasSequence (System.String unitName, System.String sequenceName) [0x00029] in <24adfa0d4e934ea8abdc965bd2260629>:0 at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences.Run (System.Action1[T] emitError, System.Action1[T] emitWarning, OpenRA.Ruleset rules, OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider sequences) [0x002e4] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences.OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.ILintRulesPass.Run (System.Action1[T] emitError, System.Action1[T] emitWarning, OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.Ruleset rules) [0x0006d] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UtilityCommands.CheckYaml.CheckRules (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.Ruleset rules, OpenRA.Map map) [0x0002c] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules.yaml:28 refers to a trait field SmokePercentage that does not exist on SmudgeLayer. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules.yaml:252 refers to a trait field UseClassicFacingFudge that does not exist on BodyOrientation. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckUnknownTraitFields failed with exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckUnknownTraitFields.CheckActors (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] actors, System.Action1[T] emitError, OpenRA.ModData modData) [0x00169] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckUnknownTraitFields.OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.ILintMapPass.Run (System.Action1[T] emitError, System.Action1[T] emitWarning, OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.Map map) [0x00049] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UtilityCommands.CheckYaml.OpenRA.IUtilityCommand.Run (OpenRA.Utility utility, System.String[] args) [0x0021f] in <8f93eec310364cfebb2a9b7d3627ee87>:0 OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:4 refers to a weapon field Versus that does not exist. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:158 refers to a weapon field Damage that does not exist. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:215 refers to a weapon field Speed that does not exist. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:515 refers to a weapon field Versus that does not exist. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:528 refers to a projectile field Explosions that does not exist on Missile. Errors: 33

I need to fix this ☹

Leo512bit commented 3 years ago


Testing map: Desert Oil War incomplete R40 OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Warning: Actor type player grants conditions that are not consumed: sand_on OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type spen consumes conditions that are not granted: lowpower OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type sam consumes conditions that are not granted: empdisable OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type stek consumes conditions that are not granted: disabled, lowpower OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction allies has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction england has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction france has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction germany has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction soviet has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction russia has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction ukraine has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction Random has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction RandomAllies has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Sprite image isoilhusk from actor isoilhusk using faction RandomSoviet has no sequence definition. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules.yaml:3135 refers to a trait field ConsumedByInfiltrate that does not exist on Infiltrates. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules.yaml:3306 refers to a trait field TargetStances that does not exist on Captures. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:150 refers to a weapon field Damage that does not exist. OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:207 refers to a weapon field Speed that does not exist. Errors: 17