LeoBeliik / ExtremeSoundMuffler

Muffle those nasty sounds - Client side sound Muffler
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
20 stars 10 forks source link

🐞Weird Crash happening #33

Closed celsiusqc closed 2 years ago

celsiusqc commented 2 years ago

Extreme sound muffler version


Forge version


Additional mod(s) version (If bug is due incompatibility)

No response

Describe the bug

Crash on launch

Steps to reproduce

Im not sure what is causing this crash



Additional context

No response

LeoBeliik commented 2 years ago

Could you send your latest.log or debug.log

celsiusqc commented 2 years ago


LeoBeliik commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I have no clue why this happens, the configs seems to have failed to load, try deleting the config/extremesoundmuffler-client.toml file and see if it crashes again

LeoBeliik commented 2 years ago

I looked again at this issue and I don't know how I missed this the first time. net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Mod §ebackpacked§r requires §6forge§r §o39.0.10 or above§r §7Currently, §6forge§r§7 is §o39.0.9 that mod needs a newer forge version, that's why is crashing. I'm closing this, if the problem persist I'll reopen it