LeoLiangZhang / Maygh

Maygh: Building a CDN from client web browsers
MIT License
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Will this work for audio and video streaming? #1

Open Mitsicos opened 9 years ago

Mitsicos commented 9 years ago

My greetrings, Liang :-)

I just finished my first reading of your written study. Your idea seems totally groundbreaking, even potentially phenomenal, yet the essay has not made any explicit reference regarding the potential risks and challeges that this venture may have (security, for instance).

Also, while your idea seems grounded enough and innovative, I could not come into visual contact with any particular interest from the google stream that would provide a reinforcement of your basic idea. Has this been tested by a company or independent group of people the few years after your essay has gotten published?

And last but not least, could this back an audio (or/and video) streaming venture? Or is only about text & photo corpus?

Would love to hear your feedback, as I am highly interested in testing this - and why not in its appliance for my company's streaming hosting activities.

Best regards, Constantine

LeoLiangZhang commented 9 years ago

Hi Constantine,

Thanks for you interests in the project.

This was a research project. Our main goal was to demonstrate our idea with a working prototype, and proof its effectiveness. The result was written in the paper. In terms of real world usage, the project still need some engineering effort. But if you search "webrtc cdn" or "rtmfp cdn", I am sure you find a few, for examples PeerCDN, SwarmCDN and PeerJS. One thing that blocks the spread of the idea is the browser support of WebRTC DataChannel. I am sure the idea will be more popular as the browser support arise.

Audio/video support is possible, but needs more research on effective media streaming algorithms, because media content streaming has more constrains then pictures. Also browsers have to support playing user-provided video/audio data (e.g., Web Audio API). As the writing of the paper, these features were not ready yet.

If you want to push the project further, or have more question, I am happy to help.

Thanks, Liang

flavioribeiro commented 9 years ago

Hey, I've read your paper also, congrats for your work.

I would like to take the opportunity to promote my project (which is a bit abandoned while I'm writing the thesis). I'm using WebRTC to enhance/help on live video delivery and there's a little story about the project here. I've evolved a lot since the short paper and we have some experiments in production environment at globo.com. The project is open source.