Neural Gradient Learning and Optimization for Oriented Point Normal Estimation
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Request for Additional Results on SceneNN Dataset #3

Open wanghanxiao123 opened 8 months ago

wanghanxiao123 commented 8 months ago

Hello Qing,

I am currently engaged in research on unoriented Point Normal Estimation.

I am particularly interested in obtaining specific performance metrics for the NGLO and SHS-Net methods on the SceneNN dataset, specifically for unoriented Point Normal Estimation. The detailed numbers for these methods seem to be missing or not fully detailed in the existing documentation/repository.

To facilitate a comprehensive and fair comparison in my study, could you please provide the following quantitative metrics for both NGLO and SHSNet:

A format similar to the one used for HSurf-Net in your publication, like "7.55 & 12.23" for clean and noise results, would be ideal for consistency in comparison.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to including your valuable work in my study and any assistance you can provide in this regard.

Best regards, Hanxiao