LeonBlade / xnbcli

A CLI tool for XNB packing/unpacking purpose built for Stardew Valley.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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xnbcli packed file does not work for SDV credits.xnb #39

Open Quirinea opened 2 years ago

Quirinea commented 2 years ago

I'm making a Finnish translation of Stardew Valley and to be thorough, took also the credits (which is outside the saved game). I got this:


This is from a run where I had the credits.xnb from the base game just unpacked, packed and renamed, without editing (an .xnb only renamed worked).

The unpacked .json worked after I had stripped it of the header part leaving only the array part (this was a workround).

Quirinea commented 2 years ago

Why was this closed?

LeonBlade commented 2 years ago

Sorry, it was a mistake! Was closing some issues and hit this by accident.

ellipszist commented 2 years ago

An unofficial version can fix this issues #13, so we can probably close this one.