Leone25 / booktab-downloader

A python script to download you Zanichelli books from web Booktab as PDFs
MIT License
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ISBN method doesn't work anymore #14

Closed Carontes closed 2 years ago

Carontes commented 2 years ago

I've tried to download a book I already have with me (to have it always with me on my smartphone, since it's important for my job), but with the ISBN method nothing happens, it always appears "Invalid ISBN, please try again.". The ISBN is right because I took it from Zanichelli webpage and it's an Ebook (this is the ISBN 9788808868589), maybe they changed something in the website structure so now the script doesn't do its job anymore

Leone25 commented 2 years ago

Does the book open in booktab or in the kitaboo reader?

Carontes commented 2 years ago

I can open it using my zanichelli page. With the book there was also a numeric code to download the digital version using my zanichelli website (it's a code that you can use only once). So what if I bought this book as a second hand book and the previous owner already used the code? That's why using ISBN method is better, imho.

Leone25 commented 2 years ago

To download books with this script you still need to own th book on the Zanichelli website. This script does not bypass security, it only exploits the api to download books you have activated. I'm affraid I can't help you further.