Leone25 / booktab-downloader

A python script to download you Zanichelli books from web Booktab as PDFs
MIT License
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EOF marker not found #38

Closed BlackDragonMT99 closed 1 month ago

BlackDragonMT99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I tried your program today for the first time following the instructions but I keep receiving this error:

PyPDF2.errors.PdfReadError: EOF marker not found

It would be great if there was a solution thanks.

Leone25 commented 1 year ago

No idea never had this issue

BlackDragonMT99 commented 1 year ago

If it helps, it appeared after changing the PdfFileReader() function with the PdfReader() function in order to solve the previous error that apeared:

pypdf2.errors.pdfreaderror: pdf starts with '{"err', but '%pdf-' expected

The same happens if I keep using the PdfFileReader() function with the addition of the "strict" attribute:

PdfFileReader("example.pdf", strict=False)

I can solve the '{"err', but '%pdf-' expected error but not the EOF marker not found error.

Leone25 commented 1 year ago

hmmmm, i think that there is some kind of error in the request and the server is responding with some json, that's why it's crashing