Leonhard96L / NVGSIM

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H135 Model #11

Open Leonhard96L opened 1 year ago

Leonhard96L commented 1 year ago

Hi Ivan,

i talked with Michael today and we would change the Flightmodel to a H135 T3H.

In this Link you find the AFM of the H135T3H (Step 3.1): https://rotorsky.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/NCCH/EQmq3N29-9FApPDeHdeqGOcBpVEfdkNWPiy4vI5IeJZDNw?e=YxizLC

And there should be no Problem, if we use our FTD3 as Data Source. We have also access to the real HC if it´s needed.

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan,

i talked with Michael today and we would change the Flightmodel to a H135 T3H.

In this Link you find the AFM of the H135T3H (Step 3.1): https://rotorsky.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/NCCH/EQmq3N29-9FApPDeHdeqGOcBpVEfdkNWPiy4vI5IeJZDNw?e=YxizLC

And there should be no Problem, if we use our FTD3 as Data Source. We have also access to the real HC if it´s needed.

imiletovic-ms commented 4 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thank you for the information and for the H135 AFM. We agree that this is the best approach.

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan,

you are welcome. If you need any further parameters just let me know.

Leonhard96L commented 3 months ago

Hi Ivan,


here you find the link to the 3D Model of the H135 which i found online. I have also sent it to Mark.

Leonhard96L commented 1 month ago

Hi Ivan,

wanted to ask, what is the current state of the EC135 model.

imiletovic-ms commented 1 month ago

Hi Leonhard,

Do you mean the 3D model or the flightmodel? Mark is working on the 3D-model at the moment. He told me that the model you sent him has too many polygons, but he has found another one that is good with less polygons.

About the flightmodel, Mark and Michael have recently agreed to leave it as is (so AS-532). However, we will support putting the control forces of the H135 into the Brunner controls of the sim. You can measure the forces yourself in the real helicopter using a force gauge. The data format should be the same as in the master QTG of your FTD simulator. Maybe the FTD data can be used without measuring the forces in the real helicopter again, but you will have to check that.

In either case, when you have the control forces of the H135 then in July/August one of us can visit you for the collective (hardware) modification and also to put the accurate forces into the Brunner controls.

Leonhard96L commented 1 month ago

Hey Ivan, I mean the 3D Model. Yes i know, Mark already told me about the 3D model what i´ve sended him.

For the control Forces i will use the master QTG of our Sim. I talked with the guy from the autorithy and he said that´s ok. I will try to make a CLS2SIM profile.

Thanks for your support.

BR Leonhard