Leonhard96L / NVGSIM

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D-WORLD test on FTD/FNPT #18

Open Leonhard96L opened 1 year ago

Leonhard96L commented 1 year ago

To test D-World on our FTD/FNPT we need an employee in Linz or we can do it remotely

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan, i tested the xr3 with greenscreen today. I still have to do some more tests but the first impression is very good. Specially the NVIS feeling. The cockpit material is reflecting a lot of light which disturbs the XR3 camera. I think i have to glue some cover on the cockpit.

Strange is also that the ground starts to jerk when the aircraft is near/on the ground.

But lets talk on Monday.

Thank you so far. Wish you a nice weekend

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan, today we tested the XR3 googles again. It looks very good and we are very happy. There are still some points: -When looking trough the googles in NVIS Mode, a square disturbs the field of view. When looking on the side of the circle a second quarter circle comes up, it occurs on this position where you looking at. -And as already mentioned, the Ground is always jerking. You notice it more the closer you get on the ground.

Leonhard96L commented 3 months ago

Hi Ivan,

i just want to update you that we had a demo of the xr3 for the austrian HEMS yesterday (21.03.2024). Here are the keypoints of the feedback what we received: -Very impressed by the DWORLD software. -The NVIS circle is to big should be at least 20%-30% smaller and the circle should have also an upper offset. -When looking with the NVIS in the cockpit they are missing the blurring effect. -Normally they are looking underneath the glasses to see the instruments (MFDs). But when look through the camera of the xr3 it is very hard to identify all values which are displayed on the MFDs. Larger lettering is easy to read but some specific values are hard to identify (like QNH,...).

imiletovic-ms commented 3 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thank you for the feedback! Was this demo in the FTD using the XPlane reader? That explains why there is no blurring effect (there is just the passthrough from the XR3 and the pilots see the "real" instruments, not what our software would is rendering in VR). Bad readability of the next could then also be related to bad lighting conditions in the cockpit, maybe it is improved if you shine light directly the instruments? Regardless, there is much that can be improved, such as trying a cockpit cutout mask instead of green screen for the passthrough. I will forward the feedback regarding the NVIS circle size to Joris, was this also the case in "our" simulator with the Varjo Aero?

Leonhard96L commented 3 months ago

Hi Ivan,

yes the Xplane Reader was used. Sure, would be great if there is way that we can produce the blurring effect also in the seethrough area. Yes we also tried to lightout the cockpit in different ways. I mean the quality is very good but for the Pilots it should be better. I think the XR3 is on the limit. But we discussed with a Software Developer from Reiser who is working VR glasses and he said that he can borrow us a special type of the XR3 (i think it´s the XR3 focal edition). We will have a meeting with the Reiser guy at the mid of April. I will update you about it.

Thats great that there is much that can be improved.

Regarding the NVIS circle size, it was never mentioned when trying the NVIS Sim with the Aero.