Leonhard96L / NVGSIM

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Date of delivery #24

Open Leonhard96L opened 11 months ago

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hi Ivan,

do you already have the date of delivery for the simulator?

imiletovic-ms commented 11 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

In terms of the hardware I believe we are on track to finish the simulator in August and deliver it sometime in September, so more or less in line with the initial estimate Mark provided. Stephen is far along with the drawings of the platform and will be able to order the parts for it soon. I asked him to make some screenshots when the drawings are ready so that we can show what the plan is for the platform here on Github. However:

1) There is still an open detail regarding the display mount (issue #14 ). Have you decided on the preferred solution for this already?

2) Another point of attention is the PC's. For now, we have accounted for one model PC (for the flightmodel, Bruner controls, etc.) and one rendering PC. To my knowledge, the setup for the instructor station was not yet decided (please correct me if I'm wrong!). Please let me know what you have in mind for this, i.e., can this be an additional PC in the rack connected to a monitor and peripherals inside/outside the simulator room, or do you prefer a laptop?

Then there is the software. For the most part this is the same as the demo, except for the terrain textures of Austria. Last week I posted an (issue #23 ) regarding the reference material we need for these (high detail) textures. Once we have all the material, we need at least 2 weeks to prepare the textures, possibly more if you want special infrastructure as mentioned in the issue. Therefore the delivery of the D-WORLD terrain textures depends on when we can obtain the reference material. Let me know if you already have some material or know when you can have them available. Of course, we can also deliver the simulator when it is ready and update D-WORLD to include the Austria terrain database later if that is what you prefer.

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hi Ivan,

thanks a lot.

  1. You can send us just the display and we will build a moveable mount by our-self. One question: is the display size fixed for this cockpit or would it make sense to take a smaller one? If not we can use the display as we saw at the demo.
  2. We would use a additional PC in the rack. The rack is outside the sim room. The monitor for the instructor is inside the sim room. (RS_NVG_Umbau_info.pdf) And we would use two VR-Glasses. So we need two rendering PC´s? Will you give us a Rack-frame or should we organize one by our-self?

terrain: I already updated this issue in the wrong ticket (Terrain Database #15 ), sorry about that. Yes I think it would be better to deliver the sim and update the Austrian terrain database later.

imiletovic-ms commented 11 months ago

1) Of course, you can create the movable display mount by yourself. However, the display also needs be fixed to the platform by means of a rigid support pole that is screwed/bolted onto the platform. We typically use (standard) aluminium profiles for that. I think the best solution would be that we provide the support pole and its connection to the platform, and then you create your desired solution to mount the display onto the support pole. This way at least you don't have to drill into the platform yourself to mount the display support. If you prefer another solution, let me know. As for the display size, I suggest that we stick to what you have seen here during the demo. Since you are making the display mounting solution yourself, it is always possible to adjust the height of the display slightly if you think it will interfere with the projection.

2) Ah yes, two rendering PC's. Sorry for the confusion! We will provide an additional IOS PC for the rack then together with a separate monitor. Do you have a preference for the type of monitor? Otherwise we will deliver a typical 24" 1080p display including peripherals. We will also provide the rack and all connections necessary, this way we can make sure that everything works before delivery. Thanks also for the drawing! Can you maybe also make one with the dimensions of all the rooms? Then we can make an estimate for the cable lengths we will need.

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago
  1. Ok you are right. Your idea sounds very good. Then we keep the size of display as showed at the demo. And as you said if we interference with the picture we can adjust it. Thanks for your feedback!

  2. The typical 24'' display is totally ok. Ok good to know that you provide the rack and the cables. Here is the drawing:

O1-KG_Umbau Rotorsky_M50-1.pdf

If you need other infos feel free to ask.

imiletovic-ms commented 11 months ago

Ok, thanks for the confirmation! I will forward this information to Stephen so that he can finalize the drawing and order all the parts.

I checked the dimensions on the drawing you provided and we are slightly concerned about the distance from the rack to the simulator. Varjo officially supports a distance from the PC to the headset up to 10 meters and it looks like it would on the edge for the server rack location that you are planning. We could try to extend it, but as it is not supported by Varjo it is not the preferred solution. Is it possible to move the rack closer to within 10 meters of the platform?

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hey Ivan, we have to think how we can solve this problem. We planned already the rack position with the airport. Would be great if you can try to extend the distance. I will give you an update tomorrow.

imiletovic-ms commented 11 months ago

I understand. For now we have ordered the official 10m cables from Varjo as the delivery time is 2-4 weeks and we will need them anyway with or without the extra extension cables. When they arrive we can test if we can extend it. In the meantime maybe you can see how you can plan the cable runs to be as short as possible.

Also note that if we can extend beyond 10m without functional losses, the extensions will be on the side of the render PC's with DisplayPort 1.4 extension cables. This means that the headset adapters (the bulky units that take the USB-C cables from the XR3 headset and convert them to DisplayPort for the GPU) will be somewhere in between the rack and the platform.

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hey Ivan,

sorry i wanted to update you yesterday. We had a discussion yesterday and we have to decide until monday if we moving the rack in our FTD/FNPT room (the room next to the NVG-simroom) or mount it in the planned position. Or we can just move the rendering PC´s in the FTD/FNPT room and let the rack in the originally planned room. By now we are also have another project and have to see if can get an optimal solution. However, you can countine with your work and we will check the options. And you will hear from me on monday. Thank you! Wish you a nice weekend!

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hi Ivan,

i talked again with Raimund and we think the best solution is to put the rack in the FTD/FNPT room. (As you see in the drawing RS_NVG_Umbau_new_rackpos.pdf).

So i think we have no problem anymore with the cable length of the XR3.

If it is possible, we would use the following inbuild power cabinet for the rack (https://www.thomann.de/at/the_t.racks_psa_3216.htm). Do you have enough space in the rack for this? The height of the power cabinet is 2 height units.

imiletovic-ms commented 11 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thanks for the information! I agree that the new rack position is much more favorable in particular for the XR3. The power cabinet you linked is not a problem, we will make sure the rack has extra space for it. I have forwarded this to Stephen.

PS: I will be on holiday starting tomorrow until the end of next week. If there is any urgent information about the NVG simulator until then, please forward it to Stephen directly using his email address: stephen.hungs@multisim.nl.

Leonhard96L commented 11 months ago

Hey Ivan,

Ok great that this works. Thanks for the contact and i wish you nice holidays.

Leonhard96L commented 10 months ago

Hi Ivan,

just to make clear, we will organize the inbuild power cabinet for the rack. Or did you ordered it yet?

imiletovic-ms commented 10 months ago

Hi Leonhard. No, we will not order the inbuild power cabinet. We will only deliver a rack with sufficient space to mount it along with the PC's.

A small update for the planning. The platform parts have been ordered and we expect them to arrive by next week. We have also received the Bruner CLS's, so that means the platform can be assembled. Mark has ordered the helicopter controls (grips), but the delivery time for the collective in particular is ~6 weeks, however we are contacting the supplier about that. To be sure we have ordered grips from another supplier as well. Some PC parts (motherboards) are in a scarce supply at the moment as well. We are monitoring the situation and don't expect it to delay the project at this time. Will keep you updated!

Leonhard96L commented 10 months ago

Hi Ivan,

Ok, thanks a lot for the update. Yes please keep me updated if there is any delay (hope there isn't). If i can do something for you, let me know

Leonhard96L commented 10 months ago

Hey Ivan,

a remark just to make clear: -for the NVG Sim what are you buidling right now we have the 2 VR glasses. (Basic NVG) -for our FNPT/FTD we want to use XR glasses (with cameras). (Mission NVG)

How many glasses do have right now for our Project?


imiletovic-ms commented 10 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

I actually discussed this with Mark last week because I was also unsure. He has informed me that even though we deliver 2 rendering PC's for the NVG simulator, only 1 basic VR headset (Varjo Aero) is budgeted for the project. If you want additional headsets, we can order them but I have to discuss with Mark first about the budget. Also the FNPT/FTD is (strictly speaking) outside the scope of this project and no work or additional hardware is foreseen for that at all. That is with the exception of making D-WORLD work on the XR you currently have on a very basic level ( i.e., by intercepting data packets from your flightmodel on the local network and using see-through for the instruments). Any additional hardware or (unanticipated) work beyond that will have to be discussed. Maybe it is best in that case that Michael and Mark talk to each other directly.

For the NVG simulator we have ordered and to a large extent already received the critical parts such as the frame, Brunner CLS + mounts and the Varjo Aero headset. This is sufficient to structurally assemble the simulator, which is what Stephen is working on at the moment. We have also ordered the computers as well as the cyclic/collective control grips, but are still awaiting delivery for those. For the adjustable seat we are currently in contact with a manufacturer. I will check the status of that tomorrow. As Mark said last week, this project is our priority so we are continually monitoring the timely availability of parts.

Leonhard96L commented 10 months ago

Hi Ivan,

thanks you for your fast respond. I also talked today with Michael and he said for the FTD/FNPT we can use the XR3 that we currently have for a longer time. I think 1 basic VR headset is sufficient at the beginning. But i have to talk about with Michael. And he can than talk to Mark directly as you said.

We are very excited about this great Simulator.

imiletovic-ms commented 9 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

It's been a while since I gave an update so I just want to quickly chime in here. We have confirmation that the cyclic/collective grips that we have ordered are ready to be shipped to us, so we expect them here in the next week or two. The adjustable seat has been delivered and is ready to be mounted on the platform. Also, Joris is making good progress on the Austria terrain in D-WORLD and as I have understood Mark is working on some infrastructure assets involving your location at the airfield.

Today I will talk with Stephen and Joris about a realistic delivery time frame, considering the work that remains to be done (assembling the platform, mounting & wiring the control grips, D-WORLD terrain, NVG curriculum, etc.). I will update you with a proposed time frame a.s.a.p.

Leonhard96L commented 9 months ago

Hey Ivan,

thanks a lot for the great update. I also talked with Michael yesterday and he told me that Mark needs some pictures of our Hangar. I will upload the pictures in the other ticket (austrian terrain). Can you please forward the pictures to Mark. About the delivery time i am waiting for your update. Thanks in advance.

imiletovic-ms commented 9 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

I have checked with everyone and it looks like we are on track to receive the last components and finalize all the work by the end of the first week of October. This means we can deliver the simulator shortly thereafter. The idea is that I alone will drive to Linz with all the equipment and help with deploying everything on site. This is quite a logistical operation that (including the journey to Austria) will require 3/4 days. For me personally the best time would be the week of October 16th. I can leave for Austria in the morning of Tuesday (17th) and arrive by evening, then on Wednesday (18th) we can deploy. Depending on how it goes I can drive back already Wednesday afternoon or otherwise Thursday. Let me know if this works for you as well.

Leonhard96L commented 9 months ago

Hi Ivan,

that sounds great. We will be on your site and will support you. If you have any questions or we can do something for you, than pls let me know.

Leonhard96L commented 8 months ago

Hi Ivan, how are you? Just want to ask you if you have any questions regarding your arrival to Linz on 17.10. In the attachment you can find a Guide with some recommended Hotels.


BR Leo

Leonhard96L commented 8 months ago

Hi Ivan,

will you deliver the simulator this week or do you bring the simulator by yourself at 17.10?

imiletovic-ms commented 8 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thanks a lot for the information, it's very useful! I will let you know if I need anything else. To answer your question, I will drive to Austria with the simulator next week Tuesday.

Leonhard96L commented 8 months ago

Hi Ivan,

ok thank you for your response. Then see you on tuesday. This is my phonenumber: 06706040470. You can call me anytime or send me a message on whatsapp.

Leonhard96L commented 8 months ago

Hey Ivan, will you bring the Sim at tuesday evening to our company or at wednesday in the morning? You can do what you prefer, please let me know. You can see how the traffic will be at tuesday and call me spontaneous. Thank you.

imiletovic-ms commented 8 months ago

Hi Leonhard, thank you for your messages! The plan is to leave Soesterberg after lunch on Tuesday. I will drive until late in the evening until I'm hopefully within a few hours of Linz and then sleep over in a hotel. Next morning early I will continue. Depending on traffic conditions I will probably be there well before the afternoon on Wednesday. In the afternoon we can set up the simulator, and depending on how it goes I will go back Thursday morning or afternoon.

Leonhard96L commented 8 months ago

Hi Ivan, ok thank you for your fast response!