Leonhard96L / NVGSIM

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Required QTGs and VDR #34

Open Leonhard96L opened 5 months ago

Leonhard96L commented 5 months ago


imiletovic-ms commented 5 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thanks! Can you also make a first version of the VDR for the specific QTGs required for the NVG sim at the desired FTD/FNPT level? We will then see how we can provide the validation source/document for each QTG necessary.

Leonhard96L commented 5 months ago

Hi Ivan,

sure we are very busy by now to finish the list. I will send it to you asap.

imiletovic-ms commented 5 months ago

Great, thanks! By the way, I'm sorry I haven't responded to any of the previous issues. Somehow I stopped getting any notifications from Github, but I have turned them back on now so hopefully won't miss anything from now on.

Leonhard96L commented 5 months ago

Ok, no problem :)

Leonhard96L commented 5 months ago



Hi Ivan,

I send you the list of required QTGs and the template of the VDR. Can you please fill in the validation source? You will find all required Parameters in the sheet. I have also the Master QTG from Reiser from our FTD3 in the appendix. Sorry for my late response.

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan,

for the application form to the autorithy we also have to send the operating manuals of the SIM. Can you please send me the manuals what you have? I could update them if necessary.

imiletovic-ms commented 4 months ago

Hi Leonhard, you can see what we have in terms of documentation from the D-SIM web UI if you hover over the little notepad icon next to the D-SIM logo in the top left and click on "Documentation". You can browse different entities here and the "user guide" portion shows what is currently available. It is also possible to convert this into a PDF if needed.

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan, how are you? When do you plan to update the NVG SIM? And what does the update include?

imiletovic-ms commented 4 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

I'm good, thanks! How's the green screen on the FTD going?

So the update will contain improvements in various D-SIM modules, including D-WORLD. For the specific changes in D-WORLD I will have to ask Joris. Also I would like to improve the XPlane reader in some aspects. I will let you know when all this is ready a.s.a.p.

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan,

I did not have enough time to test with green screen. I will do that on Monday. Ok thanks for the update.

Soon we would do a work in progress meeting. Initialy was planed on Friday 01. March 2024. Is it better for you on Monday 04. March?

Leonhard96L commented 4 months ago

Hi Ivan,

here i have the updated timeline. Can we make a quick Work in Progress meeting on 04.01.24 at 1500? I would just invite you and Raimund. Should i also invite Mark or someone else?


Leonhard96L commented 3 months ago

Hi Ivan,

i had contact with Markus from JFJ, who is diligently working on gathering all the necessary information from NR. I'll keep you informed as soon as there are any developments on that front. In the meantime, could you provide an update on the progress of the other tasks?

imiletovic-ms commented 3 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

Ok, keep us updated regarding the developments on NR.

This week I will be working to get the FLI and compass functional in D-SIM, after that the flightmodel itself. Also sorry that I didn't send the example script to interact with D-SIM yet. I did not forget, but I want to provide a file that is as clean as possible and also has some more comments so it's easier for you to modify. Didn't have the time yet to do that, but will do a.s.a.p.

Leonhard96L commented 3 months ago

Hi Ivan,

Great to hear that, thank you. Don´t worry. It´s ok if we get therefore a good example. Thank you in advance i am very excited about the example.

imiletovic-ms commented 2 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

I saw you message today and thought it good to give an update here. So over the past two weeks I have worked to implement the FLI and compass (as well as some other functionality) in the simulation. I have also finished the example Python file for you to use as a basis for the QTG simulations in D-SIM. However, I still need to bring your release repository up to date with our internal builds before I can update the software on your side. Unfortunately I am away for work the remainder of this week, so some time next week perhaps? I would prefer either Tuesday or Wednesday, but let me know what works for you.

Leonhard96L commented 2 months ago

Hi Ivan,

Ok thank you so far. Tuesday next week would be perfect.

Leonhard96L commented 2 months ago

Hi Ivan,

i quickly tested the FLI and Compass and it seems to be working well. I just want to ask, when you will provide us the python scripts so that we can start to script QTGs.

imiletovic-ms commented 2 months ago

Hi Leonhard,

That's good to hear. There should be a script called "dsim_analyze.py" at "{DSIM_ROOT}\entity\rotorsky\as532\resources". You need to have Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib installed as Python packages to run the script. Also D-SIM needs to be running, as the script "takes over" control to run the simulation. The program can be imported as a library in your own scripts as well to, for example, run specific simulations for different QTG's. Have a look and let me know if anything is unclear, we can also go over it tomorrow after the progress meeting if you like.

Leonhard96L commented 2 months ago

Hey Ivan,

thank you very much for the update. Would be great if you can show me that after the meeting tomorrow.

Leonhard96L commented 1 month ago

Hi Ivan,

i updated the required List of required QTGs. QTGs_and_VDR_V2.xlsx

-Important is that the tests: 1.a.(1)(i) and 1.a.(1)(ii) regarding the engine startup are not needed for our training. So we think we can skip them. The rest of the tests should all be performable with the NVG SIM in the current state.

-For the tests 2.a.1, 2.a.2 and 2.a.4 we could take the same Position vs. Force profiles as in the MQTG of the FTD3. Should i start to configure the Position vs. Force profiles in the CLS2SIM under a new profile? Or will you do this with the update of the EC135 model?

-MQTG FTD3: https://rotorsky-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/l_larcher_rotorsky_at/EaQVF20BeStDsmVbZOjIm6ABr8UuwepivB4ONzGYJHVwhg?e=3OonAY

-I am writing a python tool which based on your example script to perform an automatic QTG report. This includes also the record of the initial FLY-OUT. In the report we need a reference Data and therefore we can use the FTD3. It should be finished at begin of June.

imiletovic-ms commented 1 month ago

Hi Leonhard,

Thanks for the updates. I already replied in another thread, but it's good to know you can use the MQTG of the FTD3 for the control forces. You can try to create a new force profile yourself in CLS2SIM, but it is also something we can help you with when one of us visits you (expected this summer) to modify the collective column attachment to the Brunner CLS.

Also happy to hear that you were able to adapt the example Python script to your needs!

Best, Ivan

Leonhard96L commented 1 month ago

HI Ivan,

thank you for the respond. Then I will try to create a new profile. I will update you how it´s going. Sure would be great if someone could help me when visiting us.

BR Leonhard