Leonidas-from-XIV / node-xml2js

XML to JavaScript object converter.
MIT License
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Multiple child tags are created while converting to xml #696

Open vigneshsdev opened 10 months ago

vigneshsdev commented 10 months ago

I have two arrays in a json, which I need to convert to xml. Below is my code

var xml2js = require("xml2js");

let input = {
  cities: [
      position: {
        Longitude: 9.96233,
        Latitude: 49.80404,
      position: {
        Longitude: 6.80592,
        Latitude: 51.53548,
  states: [
        position: {
          Longitude: 9.96233,
          Latitude: 49.80404,
        position: {
          Longitude: 6.80592,
          Latitude: 51.53548,

const builder = new xml2js.Builder({ headless: true });
const result = builder.buildObject(input);

Obtained Result:


Expected Result:

urbancamo commented 5 months ago

I have a similar issue, given the JSON structure:

  "bookId": "35972826-85ec-4877-99dd-32a9f14587ec",
  "bookTitle": "The Vietnam War",
  "parts": [
      "partTitle": "The Genesis of Conflict",
      "chapters": [
          "chapterTitle": "Colonial Tensions and the Rise of Ho Chi Minh",
          "sections": [
              "sectionTitle": "The Seeds of Rebellion",
              "paragraphs": [
                  "paragraphText": "EDITED CHAPTER CONTENT In exploring the spirit of early Vietnamese resistance against the French, one poignant anecdote revolves around the legendary Trung Sisters, Trung Trac, and Trung Nhi. In the first century AD, they embodied the fervent resistance against foreign domination. Facing the oppressive rule of the Chinese Han Dynasty, the Trung Sisters rallied their fellow Vietnamese in a daring revolt. Their leadership and courage inspired a formidable army that successfully expelled the Chinese forces, declaring a brief but significant period of Vietnamese independence."
                  "paragraphText": "The Trung Sisters' tale resonates as a powerful symbol of unwavering determination against external forces. Their commitment to liberating their homeland became a rallying cry for future generations of Vietnamese resisting foreign dominance. This early episode laid a foundation for the enduring spirit of resistance that continued to shape Vietnam's struggle against various colonizers, including the French in the subsequent centuries."
                  "paragraphText": "The Trung Sisters' legacy serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit that fueled early Vietnamese resistance, setting a precedent for future generations in their pursuit of sovereignty and national identity. Their story is woven into the fabric of Vietnamese history, embodying the resilience and unity that became hallmarks of the ongoing struggle against foreign incursions."
                  "paragraphText": "In examining the American Vietnam War and drawing parallels to modern times, one might find a modern-day equivalent to the economic and social pressures faced by the Vietnamese under French colonial rule in the challenges experienced by nations grappling with neocolonial economic structures. Neocolonialism refers to the indirect economic and cultural influence that former colonial powers maintain over their former colonies, often perpetuating economic imbalances and exploitation."

I get the following result:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <bookTitle>The Vietnam War</bookTitle>
    <partTitle>The Genesis of Conflict</partTitle>
      <chapterTitle>Colonial Tensions and the Rise of Ho Chi Minh</chapterTitle>
        <sectionTitle>The Seeds of Rebellion</sectionTitle>
          <paragraphText>EDITED CHAPTER CONTENT In exploring the spirit of early Vietnamese resistance against the French, one poignant anecdote revolves around the legendary Trung Sisters, Trung Trac, and Trung Nhi. In the first century AD, they embodied the fervent resistance against foreign domination. Facing the oppressive rule of the Chinese Han Dynasty, the Trung Sisters rallied their fellow Vietnamese in a daring revolt. Their leadership and courage inspired a formidable army that successfully expelled the Chinese forces, declaring a brief but significant period of Vietnamese independence.</paragraphText>
          <paragraphText>The Trung Sisters' tale resonates as a powerful symbol of unwavering determination against external forces. Their commitment to liberating their homeland became a rallying cry for future generations of Vietnamese resisting foreign dominance. This early episode laid a foundation for the enduring spirit of resistance that continued to shape Vietnam's struggle against various colonizers, including the French in the subsequent centuries.</paragraphText>
          <paragraphText>The Trung Sisters' legacy serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit that fueled early Vietnamese resistance, setting a precedent for future generations in their pursuit of sovereignty and national identity. Their story is woven into the fabric of Vietnamese history, embodying the resilience and unity that became hallmarks of the ongoing struggle against foreign incursions.</paragraphText>
          <paragraphText>In examining the American Vietnam War and drawing parallels to modern times, one might find a modern-day equivalent to the economic and social pressures faced by the Vietnamese under French colonial rule in the challenges experienced by nations grappling with neocolonial economic structures. Neocolonialism refers to the indirect economic and cultural influence that former colonial powers maintain over their former colonies, often perpetuating economic imbalances and exploitation.</paragraphText>

when I expected all <paragraphText> nodes to be contained in one <paragraphs> node.