Leonidas-from-XIV / slacko

A neat interface for Slack
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Outdated API? #43

Open pm5 opened 1 year ago

pm5 commented 1 year ago

With the included slack_notify CLI tool one can find a few outdated usage of Slack Web API:

There also seems to be a lot of methods not supported, such admins.*, reactions.*, reminders.*, usergroups.* (replaces groups.* probably), etc.

Leonidas-from-XIV commented 1 year ago

Yes, indeed, I haven't kept up with the API changes in the last couple of years. It would need some updating to get back to an usable state, but I haven't had the time to do so, given I don't automate Slack much these days anymore.

Pull requests are of course welcome, I'll try to review them quickly.

pm5 commented 1 year ago

I might be able to help since I'm doing a side project that will use Slack API.

Leonidas-from-XIV commented 1 year ago

Sounds good! I've merged your PRs and modernized the library a bit so it is a better place to start.