Leotju / MGAN

Mask-Guided Attention Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection. (ICCV'19)
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error when I TEST #9

Open longtaohuang opened 4 years ago

longtaohuang commented 4 years ago

how can I solve the problem "launch.py: error: argument --nproc_per_node: invalid int value: 'city_cfgs/mgan_50_65.py'"?

Leotju commented 4 years ago

maybe you should write the number of gpus in the test command. For example, there are "1" in this command. ./tools/dist_test.sh city_cfgs/mgan_50_65.py models/50_65.pth 1 --eval bbox --out result/50_65.pkl

chuanheliu commented 4 years ago

did you solve it?

AyeshaNirma commented 4 years ago

@Leotju @chuanheliu @longtaohuang


On above link u can test MGAN.