Lepozepo / S3

A simple helper for easily uploading files to Amazon S3 from Meteor. This package will also make Knox available server-side.
MIT License
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One Server Config per Uploader: #121

Open johnmore opened 8 years ago

johnmore commented 8 years ago

Hi @Lepozepo in order to separate images being resized on the server (by the lambda function) from other files I may need to upload (which I also want to run some lambda function on) I need to use different buckets since lambda only allows one function per triggered bucket.

Therefore I would love to be able to call S3.config per each uploader so that I don't need to expose my s3 bucket to the client on the uploader call.

Would that be possible? Or do you have any other suggestion for this kind of behaviour to work with the current S3 code?

Thanks in advance!

johnmore commented 8 years ago

Really Important for me! @Lepozepo do you have any kind of suggestion? Thank you in advance.

Lepozepo commented 8 years ago

Hey! You could run S3.config = <yoursettingsobject> on every call you make. That should work.

Lepozepo commented 8 years ago

But you'll have to tap into the package's Meteor.methods