Closed electrifying closed 1 year ago
In Windows 10 (and Windows 11 prior to 22H2) the Downloads folder type only applies to the root of the Downloads folder. Therefore, your sort settings for Downloads only applies to the Downloads root. For folders within Downloads, their views and sort order will depend on their folder type. Most folders within Downloads will by type General items, so the sort order will be whatever you have set for General items (which may be the same as you've set for Global). A folder of Pictures, within Downloads will be displayed (and sorted by) whatever your settings are for Pictures. And so on for Documents, Music, and Videos.
In Windows 11 22H2, the subfolders of Downloads are also type Downloads, so you can't have a different sort order for the subfolders.
This may be a bug or intentional, but since Microsoft never documents these types of changes, they leave us guessing. The fact that it shows as "General items" is not too meaningful because the Downloads root always indicated "General items" even though it wasn't. That display should be grayed out for Downloads, but never was.
For Windows 11 22H2, do this:
Then, after running WinSetView, open Downloads and click on the Date modified column.
And, if you want folders listed before files, then also shift-click the Name column.
If you need to do this for many computers, and want a reg file to automate it, let me know.
Yes, apparently now it works as in 21h1. Thanks. Why did Microsoft so radically decide to remake the download folder in 22h2?
Microsoft has screwed up so much, in regards to File Explorer and folder type settings in Windows 11, that I can't be sure what is intentional and what is by accident. I report all the issues via the Feedback Hub and I have been assured by the forum owner at that they are aware of the issues and are working on it. However, I remain unconvinced because these issues go back a long way (some well over a year) and have never been mentioned in the "known issues" list. I will continue to make as much noise as I can about it and keep checking every new release.
Microsoft has screwed up so much, in regards to File Explorer and folder type settings in Windows 11, that I can't be sure what is intentional and what is by accident. I report all the issues via the Feedback Hub and I have been assured by the forum owner at that they are aware of the issues and are working on it. However, I remain unconvinced because these issues go back a long way (some well over a year) and have never been mentioned in the "known issues" list. I will continue to make as much noise as I can about it and keep checking every new release.
thank you for the program and your work.
@LesFerch is it possible to add a way to set double sorting (so folders will be listed before files) in winsetview?
If you are only sorting by Name, Ascending (+Name) then folders will be listed before files automatically.
If you want your files sorted by Date modified, Descending, with folders first, then you must set Sort 1 to Date modified descending and Sort 2 to Name ascending. That will display on main screen as -Date modified, +Name.
hello, I have a question. there is a download folder in it there are many different files, but there are also folders. for the download folder itself i made it sort by modification date, but for the folders inside i need sort by filename, how can i implement that? This was implemented in win 11 22h1 but Microsoft changed the download folder sorting to 22h2