Leseratte10 / acsm-calibre-plugin

Calibre plugin for ACSM->EPUB and ACSM->PDF conversion.
GNU General Public License v3.0
593 stars 23 forks source link

How to setup via terminal for Calibre Content Server #50

Closed hugoromo closed 1 year ago

hugoromo commented 1 year ago

How can I setup the plug for this matter?

Leseratte10 commented 1 year ago

The plugin can only be configured through the GUI, it doesn't have a command line interface for configuration.

If you want to run Calibre completely without GUI it's probably easiest to install it somewhere where you have a GUI, configure the plugin, then copy over all the config.

Leseratte10 commented 1 year ago

No response, I'm assuming this is solved. If there's still issues running the plugin on a content server with a working config, please comment again.