Lesterhuis-Training-en-Consultancy / moodle-block_configurable_reports

This block is a Moodle custom reports builder. You can create custom reports without SQL knowledge. It's a tool suitable for admins or teachers.
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M4.1 - PHP 8.1 | Bar and Line graph image don't work #2

Closed gemguardian closed 4 weeks ago

gemguardian commented 4 months ago

@luukverhoeven could you please check if this is something that is caused by our changes or already was broken ?

If so - and it is not part of the bug support anymore - could you please let me know what the time is to fix this?

You can download the XML file from: https://www.ltncbestanden.nl/s/kPG6E05jTvebTv1f since Github refuses the upload.


When I select the urls from the inspect tool I get the following errors image


luukverhoeven commented 4 months ago

@gemguardian Kun je de link naar de afbeelding delen? Ik krijg geen foutmelding met jouw voorbeeld, mogelijk omdat er niet voldoende data in mijn omgeving aanwezig is.

gemguardian commented 4 months ago

AFbeelding 1: https://test.edubus.moodle.tvo.rimotecloud.com/blocks/configurable_reports/components/plot/bar/graph.php?reportid=9&id=Bzn23onDehVaDIW&graphdata=%7B%22month%22%3A%5B%22May+2023%22%2C%22June+2023%22%2C%22July+2023%22%2C%22August+2023%22%2C%22September+2023%22%2C%22November+2023%22%2C%22March+2024%22%5D%2C%22users%22%3A%5B%22817%22%2C%22790%22%2C%22665%22%2C%22251%22%2C%221%22%2C%222%22%2C%222%22%5D%7D

Afbeelding 2: https://test.edubus.moodle.tvo.rimotecloud.com/blocks/configurable_reports/components/plot/line/graph.php?reportid=9&id=q6IyOKXEjKcCcey&serie0=ODE3fHww&serie1=NzkwfHww&serie2=NjY1fHww&serie3=MjUxfHww&serie4=MXx8MA==&serie5=Mnx8MCww&min=0&max=0

Afbeelding 3 (die wel toont) https://test.edubus.moodle.tvo.rimotecloud.com/blocks/configurable_reports/components/plot/pie/graph.php?reportid=9&id=vaNshIi3nDedfDi&serie0=TWF5IDIwMjMsSnVuZSAyMDIzLEp1bHkgMjAyMyxBdWd1c3QgMjAyMyxTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMjAyMyxOb3ZlbWJlciAyMDIzLE1hcmNoIDIwMjQ=&serie1=MSwxLDEsMSwxLDEsMQ==&colorpalette=LCwsLCws

luukverhoeven commented 4 months ago

@gemguardian Ik kon daar meerdere issues in vinden. Ik weet niet of het eerder goed heeft gewerkt. Kun je testen of de laatste aanpassing in MOODLE41 branch correct werkt?



gemguardian commented 3 months ago

@luukverhoeven 1 van de 'balken' werkt er nu, maar de 2de nog niet


URL: https://test.edubus.moodle.tvo.rimotecloud.com/blocks/configurable_reports/components/plot/line/graph.php?reportid=9&id=q6IyOKXEjKcCcey&serie0=ODE3fHww&serie1=NzkwfHww&serie2=NjY1fHww&serie3=MjUxfHww&serie4=MXx8MA==&serie5=Mnx8MCww&min=0&max=0


luukverhoeven commented 3 months ago

@gemguardian Kun je de laatste versie testen? Ik vond een mogelijke fout, maar ik kan dit niet goed lokaal testen vanwege te weinig data. Misschien is het ook goed om de instellingen van de plot in deze rapportage te controleren.


gemguardian commented 3 months ago

@luukverhoeven ik heb geprobeerd met aangepaste instellingen maar ik krijg het niet zichtbaar. Ik ga het doorzetten naar de melder, wellicht dat het hem lukt om data te tonen want mij lukt het niet. Maar ik werk dus ook nooit mee om te weten wat ik dan fout doe.

gemguardian commented 3 months ago

@luukverhoeven ik heb contact gehad met de melder van het issue. Deze is momenteel met vakantie en zal gaan testen als hij terug is. Dit zal dus de komende 2-3 weken in ieder geval nog stil liggen.

gemguardian commented 2 months ago

@luukverhoeven I have not received any response from Darrel who pointed it out. As far as I can see this is fixed. I belive you have it in the 4.1 branche. If so we close this comment.

Jay-lab-1 commented 2 months ago



I have tested version 4.1.0 of the block_configurable_reports plugin in Moodle 4.3 with PHP8.0.30 and PHP8.1.28 and found that none of the three selectable charts (Bar, Line, Pie) now generate images (05.06.24).

I get the following error messages in the web console Screenshot from 2024-06-05 15-10-00

Since I haven't seen an update in the branch, I wanted to ask if this bug has been fixed yet.

I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards, Jay

gemguardian commented 2 months ago


have you tested the branche: https://github.com/Lesterhuis-Training-en-Consultancy/moodle-block_configurable_reports?

You do mention 4.3 - We have not tested it on this version of Moodle.

Jay-lab-1 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the quick response. We have tested this with the version 4.1.0 of the plugin.

gemguardian commented 2 months ago

@Jay-lab-1 can you send me the JSON download of your query /settings so I can test it myself?

I ment the XML

Jay-lab-1 commented 2 months ago

@gemguardian Unfortunately, I currently only have the option of testing with the following version. Moodle 4.3.5+ (Build: 20240705)] PHP 8.2.4

Upload of XML is not possible, therefore i renamed the file to *.txt Student count.txt

Pie chart and line graph seem to work. but nothing is displayed in the bar chart

gemguardian commented 2 months ago

@Jay-lab-1 thank you - It might be a M4.3 / PHP 8.2 thing, but I will verify it on my end. It will be somewhere next week due to the holidays and planning

gemguardian commented 1 month ago

@Jay-lab-1 I have tested in M4.4 , PHP 8.1 and I have 2 out 3 - see screenshot below.

@luukverhoeven the Line Graph still does not wat to appear for me, as I had in a previouw test. Could you please let me know how much time it would cost you to check this? We focus on PHP8.1


When I take the URL from the inspect tool and put into Moodle I get this notification image

Jay-lab-1 commented 1 month ago

@gemguardian I tested it again and did not get an error via Moodle debugging, but via the Webdeveloper Console 2024-08-06 08_10_12-Student count _ E-Learning

gemguardian commented 1 month ago

@Jay-lab-1 thank you for sharing the screenshot.

@luukverhoeven see my previous post, could you please take another look why the line graph in PHP8.1 / 4.1 is not working? And let me know how much time it would cost you to check this? We focus on PHP8.1Maybe the information that Jay-lab shared is valuable for this as well.

luukverhoeven commented 1 month ago

@Jay-lab-1 Thank you for the information. @gemguardian I will check and validate it. As soon as I have any details or an estimate, I will let you know.

luukverhoeven commented 1 month ago

@gemguardian I think it will take us 3 hours to investigate, find the issue, and resolve it.

gemguardian commented 4 weeks ago

@luukverhoeven thank you for the information. I approve the hours.

@Jay-lab-1 we will focus only on solving this in PHP8.1 and test 4.1

gemguardian commented 4 weeks ago

@luukverhoeven I just did a deep dive in this issue - and it's not been caused by the update - as in it is not a regression. This is a known issue in configurable reports see: https://github.com/jleyva/moodle-block_configurablereports/issues/101

That means I am marking this 'won't fix' - if anyone wants to sponsor solving this issue please contact sales@ltnc.nl