LethalMods / LethalExpansionCore

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Unable to land on Custom Moons. #32

Open Durzani opened 5 months ago

Durzani commented 5 months ago

Attempting to land on modded moons built using Lethal Expansion results in the game stalling right after pulling the lever to land. When observing the Console, it seems to be attempting to load the InitScene instead of the modded moon's scene, as seen below.

I tested landing on the modded moon, Nostromo, as well as a number of moons available through Wesley's Moons.

[Info   : Unity Log] Lever animation: setting bool to True
[Info   : Unity Log] Sent lever animation RPC on this client
[Info   : Unity Log] STOPPING SPECIAL ANIMATION ON LOCAL CLIENT; player who was using: Marryth
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading scene
[Info   : Unity Log] Scene that began loading: InitSceneLaunchOptions
[Info   : Unity Log] LOADING GAME!!!!!
[Info   : Unity Log] Waiting for all players to load!
[Info   :LethalExpansion(core)] Game started.
[Warning: Unity Log] There can be only one active Event System.
[Info   :LethalExpansion(core)] Loading scene 'InitSceneLaunchOptions'
[Error  :LethalExpansion(core)] Something went wrong when loading scene 'InitSceneLaunchOptions'. System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: DunGen.Graph.DungeonFlow[] .RoundManager.dungeonFlowTypes Due to: Could not find field in class
  at LethalExpansionCore.LethalExpansion.OnSceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) [0x000e4] in <06f3e7eb4ac440eba37b1c3afbe02ab4>:0
[Info   : Unity Log] Set settings not applied!; Gamma
[Error  : Unity Log] This client could not find dungeon generator! scene count: 2
Skeletonek commented 5 months ago

Also encountering this issue on v50 (Tested on Wesley's Moons and Bikini Bottom moon). This issue didn't exist when using the v49 version of the game