LettError / TypeCooker

A small web tool for creating recipes for sketching and exploring type.
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Copy to clipboard option #2

Open kontur opened 8 years ago

kontur commented 8 years ago

As mentioned in a tweet, it would be neat to get the current settings as a string to copy to your clipboard. If you check for example here (https://www.tumblr.com/search/typecooker) that's what people already do, just manually.

Maybe in conjunction with this feature could be a mention of communities (flickr, tumblr, ?) where people are posting those, so more of a community develops around sharing sketches.

kontur commented 8 years ago

How about a different approach to this: Whenever users generate a set, the location hashtag reflects those specific options, i.e. they would become a unique link?

The only downside to this would be that you can no longer use page refresh to regenerate a new set, but I don't know how many people use it like that. Like this, people could share a link to a set they particularly liked, or encourage others to try a specific set by giving them a link.

What you think?

LettError commented 8 years ago

Hm, I still think I'd like to try to just make the text reads well when it is copied. I do like the idea of being able to communicate a whole recipe in a single url.

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kontur commented 8 years ago

Roger, I might have a look at the copy paste thing still at some point.

What do you reckon about the url parameters to reflect a unique recipe. As mentioned, the downside would be that you can't just hit "refresh" any more to generate a new recipe. Plus complexity. But it's an elegant and unintrusive way of storing state for sharing.

Actually, I've thought about the parameters base for generation. Sounds like an interesting feature, but I wonder how useful it would be to supply your own different set of options, even if you could store it somehow for next times (say via cookie or localstorage) - I imagine the interface for dynamically compiling your own parameter set could get quite complex quite fast.

I like the hold feature idea. Have you thought about the opposite as well - like regenerating one option? For example I notice I often have "weight: light" but together with "special: as a bold" - so with a feature like that you could reroll one contradicting parameter (even though sometimes that's where funny ideas come from ;) )

LettError commented 8 years ago

Some sites offer a special "share" url which differs from the current one. That could leave the source url open for new values on reload.

I like the idea of regenerating a single parameter. It is more useful than holding one while reloading all others. It would encourage more targeted changes to the recipe. Could be a single letter / symbol near the parameter name.

kontur commented 8 years ago

:+1: on both.

I submitted a PR implementing a sharable link and rebuilding the UI from such a link. Only styling for the link itself needs doing still, which is hard to do without the font styling. For me this would resolve the problem I opened this issue for in the first place, and imo in a better way - good suggestion.

I also opened a different issue for the second "rerolling" idea, so things stay focused on one issue per discussion.

Feel free to open a placeholder issue for generating an alternative or customized parameters.json - I dare say that's a bit of a bigger piece to handle, though, and would need some more discussion and planning first.