Leuchtfeuer / locate

The users country and preferred language and other facts will be detected. Depending on configurable rules the user can be redirected to other languages or pages. New functionality can be added easily.
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Creating a new page via the context menu not working (locate 11.0.0-dev) #24

Closed bmgrieger closed 2 years ago

bmgrieger commented 2 years ago


Description and reproduction of bug Creating a new page via the context menu in the page tree results in the following error:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-27 um 13 39 02

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-27 um 13 39 17

Expected behavior Locate's version 10 works as expected and shows the page properties from the "Create new page" dialogue.

Additional information The issue seems related to the introduced feature "access to pages based on the current country" in version 11 which extends the page properties.