Leuchtfeuer / locate

The users country and preferred language and other facts will be detected. Depending on configurable rules the user can be redirected to other languages or pages. New functionality can be added easily.
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Target language equals current language. No redirect. But it's not the same page #37

Closed niederberger-qw closed 1 year ago

niederberger-qw commented 2 years ago

We have Different Sites with different languages. But the languages are all sys_language_uid 0, because it's the default language for the site.

For example: grafik grafik Every language is sys_language_uid 0

To reproduce this try to redirect from pages with the same sys_language_uid.

I have different verdicts: redirectToPageFrance = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect redirectToPageFrance { sys_language = 0 page = 12 }

redirectToPageBelgiqueFr = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect redirectToPageBelgiqueFr { sys_language = 0 page = 11 }

redirectToPageDeutschland = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect redirectToPageDeutschland { sys_language = 0 page = 1 }

The page is not redirected.

I did comment the line out: grafik

But the redirect is not working, because the wrong site is called for the getRouter() function. grafik

In the GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST']->getAttribute('site') we get the current site. I don't know i it's possible to generate the right uri with the wrong $site variable.

grafik the parameters are right, but the uri shows to the wrong site.

niederberger-qw commented 2 years ago

I don't know how to do a pull request... But i fixed the error, after i did the following:

In locate/Classes/Verdict/Redirect.php

Line 184:

if ($pageId === $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->page["uid"]){
            if (($page['sys_language_uid'] === $targetLanguageId && $targetLanguageId !== 0) || $this->requestedLanguageUid === $targetLanguageId) {
                $this->logger->info('Target language equals current language. No redirect.');

                return null;

Line 204:

 $siteFinder = new \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\SiteFinder();

        /** @var Site $site */
        $site = $siteFinder->getSiteByPageId($pageId);
niederberger-qw commented 2 years ago

Okay... it only works if sessionHandling = 0

If it is 1, then the function isSessionInCurrentLanguage() is the problem.

niederberger-qw commented 2 years ago

Is that a bug or a feature? I mean... did i configure something wrong?!

davkraid commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback. It is indeed a desired behaviour. The redirect should only take place if the sys_language_uid is different then the uid stored in the session. In your system every sys_language_uid is 0 so there is no reason for the extension to make the redirect to a different language because it is already on the sys_language_uid 0. What you need is only a redirect to a certain page if the user has a specific browser language but not change the system language itself. You can write a custom verdict to handle that behaviour by yourself, see the documentation for that part: https://docs.typo3.org/p/leuchtfeuer/locate/main/en-us/Developing/Index.html#add-a-verdict In your case you can copy most of the Redirect verdict and adapt the parts of the code you need to.