Open LevanBokeria opened 1 year ago
Effects of schema on the relationship between post-encoding brain connectivity and subsequent durable memory Schemas provide a scaffold for neocortical integration of new memories over time Reactivation of schema representation in lateral occipital cortex supports successful memory encoding Has the concept of systems consolidation outlived its usefulness? Identification and evaluation of premises underlying systems consolidation
Optional: -AlonsoA,vanderMeijJ,TseD,GenzelL.Naïvetoexpert:consideringtheroleofpreviousknowledgeinmemory.BrainNeurosciAdv.2020:4:2398212820948686.
Effects of schema on the relationship between post-encoding brain connectivity and subsequent durable memory Schemas provide a scaffold for neocortical integration of new memories over time Reactivation of schema representation in lateral occipital cortex supports successful memory encoding Has the concept of systems consolidation outlived its usefulness? Identification and evaluation of premises underlying systems consolidation