LeventErkok / sbv

SMT Based Verification in Haskell. Express properties about Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT solvers.
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Discovered and Fixed (?) massive space leak #562

Closed doyougnu closed 3 years ago

doyougnu commented 4 years ago

Hey Levent,

I have an application written around sbv that generates then parses lots of models (thousands to tens-of-thousands) in query mode. As I was testing it I noticed it began to really slow down towards the higher end of this range. So I limited the input to only boolean formulas, did some profiling, and found a massive heap leak around in getModelAtIndex specifically this line. I doubt this line is the actual source of the leak because if you trace the logic back, it gets to rinps in State which is a wrapped IORef, and I believe the profiler can't see past the IORef but I am not sure.

So I tinkered with adding strictness for a few days to no avail, and then just decided this was a good opportunity to swap out the rinps data structure in State for a Map of Sequences like this:

data State  = State { pathCond     :: !SVal                             -- ^ kind KBool
                    -- , rinps        :: !(IORef (([(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)], [NamedSymVar]), Set.Set String)) -- First : User defined, with proper quantifiers
                    , rinps        :: IORef Inputs 

where Inputs is:

type UserName = T.Text

-- | User inputs partitioned by quantifier
type UserInps   = Map.Map Quantifier (S.Seq NamedSymVar)
type InternInps = Set.Set NamedSymVar
type AllInps    = Set.Set UserName

-- | Inputs as a record of maps and sets
data Inputs = Inputs { userInps   :: !UserInps
                     , internInps :: !InternInps
                     , allInps    :: !AllInps
                     } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

and then NamedSymVar's are changed to be strict:

-- | 'NamedSymVar' pairs symbolic values and user given/automatically generated names
data NamedSymVar = NamedSymVar !SV !UserName
                 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic)

I also searched and changed every instance of foldr foldl walk sofar go and the like to have strict accumulators.

There are numerous benefits besides plugging the heap leak and you can check my branch here. The thinking is that instead of doing list operations like filter we build data structures that create the right logic while the solver works. So instead of building a list then filtering, we build a map and never have to filter based on Quantifier, rather, filtering becomes an O (log n) lookup. From my testing (through my own application) I saw a huge speedup ~10x - 100x for problems of the same size that I tested before and was able to finish a computation that didn't finish after several hours.

So I wanted to submit the PR today (given the magnitude of the changes I think this should be in the 8.9 release) but I am stuck getting the test suite to pass the tests, and they keep failing with:

        *** Data.SBV: Unexpected non-success response from Z3:
        ***    Sent      : (define-fun s3 () Bool (= s0 s2))
        ***    Expected  : success
        ***    Received  : (error "line 10 column 26: unknown constant s0")
        ***    Exit code : ExitFailure (-15)
        ***    Executable: /nix/store/1wjiphfh93px0l89a6rpx0n1wmgz10j0-z3-4.8.7/bin/z3
        ***    Options   : -nw -in -smt2
        ***    Reason    : Check solver response for further information. If your code is correct,
        ***                please report this as an issue either with SBV or the solver itself!

So it looks like I've broken the link between the names somewhere even though almost all of my changes were merely syntactic with respect to the new data structures and not logical. So I wanted to ask the following:

  1. Is there a good way in the test suite to run the tests with verbose=True so I can check the solver output. Right now I'm only testing with 1% of cases and I don't want to issue a PR until all checks pass of course.

  2. I noticed a lot of reverse's and sorting by node id's in the code base. Why does ordering matter? I've changed the code such that when a new symbolic is created we append to the sequence (which is still O(1)) instead of cons'ing onto a list and then reversing, thus I've removed the reversals that touched the refactored code.

  3. If an ordering is important I'd like to use a Map and exploit the Ord instance on keys to perform the ordering instead of sorting. I'm not sure if that is possible right now as sorting by node id would require a HashMap on user given names and internal names, its not impossible but I think would require a much larger change. Thus, If this is something that is desirable we should change these data structures, and then do the ordering/HashMap change.

LeventErkok commented 4 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Refactoring along these lines would be good indeed.

The following doesn't seem correct to me:

type UserInps = Map.Map Quantifier (S.Seq NamedSymVar)

In general, the user can alternate quantifiers; so the order of declaration is important. This should better be:

type UserInps  = S.Seq (Quantifier. NamedSymVar)

I'm not sure if this change would fix the issue you're running into, but that'd be the first thing to do.

Regarding your specific questions:

  1. I think the easiest would be to compile after changing the following line: https://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/blob/master/Data/SBV/Provers/Prover.hs#L80 so it sets the verbose to True. This is a bit clumsy, but should work I suppose. (Of course, now you'll get a lot more other failures since the verbose is turned on and the gold files won't match. But perhaps you can deal with that one at a time, the make test TGT=blah should help in the Makefile.

    1. Ordering matters because that's how the lazy semantic of Haskell gets serialized. If we only wait until someone "depends" on a value, it might be too late. (The error you're getting is an indication of this.) There's an internal invariant that variables are declared before used and the order of generation must be according to the index. (Also see the calls forceSVArg, which handles this for uninterpreted functions.)

    2. I haven't use HashMap before but obviously the faster the access the better. Ordering is absolutely essential, so this might be the way to go.

SBV was never designed with tens-of-thousands of models in mind. I'm guessing this is some sort of an allSat like scenario? I'd expect the solver time to dominate SBV time in any case, but of course use of better data structures is always better. Best of luck!

doyougnu commented 4 years ago

Hey Levent,

Your response was very helpful and I did another refactor last night after I realized I optimized the data structure for the wrong thing. Here is my thinking; we want to order the variables by NodeId to enforce the internal constraint that you mention, so instead of using a HashMap on user names or the previous Map I had on quantifiers we just use an IntMap on NodeId's themselves which ensures that a toList call produces a list of variables with NodeId's from [-2,-1,0...] (-2 for false, -1 for true, and so on).

Here is what the data structures look like:

type UserInps   = IMap.IntMap (Quantifier, NamedSymVar)
type InternInps = Set.Set NamedSymVar
type AllInps    = Set.Set UserName

-- | Inputs as a record of maps and sets
data Inputs = Inputs { userInps   :: !UserInps
                     , internInps :: !InternInps
                     , allInps    :: !AllInps
                     } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

and an example insertion helper function which unpacks the SV to insert to the IntMap

addUserInput :: Quantifier -> SV -> UserName -> Inputs -> Inputs
addUserInput q sv nm = goAll . goUser
  where !new = toNamedSV sv nm
        (NodeId nid) = swNodeId sv
        goUser = onUserInps (nid `IMap.insert` (q, new))
        goAll  = onAllInps  (Set.insert nm)

So we pay a little for the redundancy in SV, i.e., SV holds the NodeIds and now so does UserInps, but I think this is a low cost to pay for much faster operations, and avoiding reverse's brought on by consing. The problem now is that this no longer allows for duplicates because variables will be overwritten in the quantifier changes. I'm not sure if that is a viable use case however because it seems like a programmer error, i.e., variable x is existentially quantified and then the same x is universally quantified.

In any case the majority of tests pass with this setup:

1298 out of 375511 tests failed (873.87s)

I'm digging into a few of the left overs (this is just a matter of finding a call to reverse and removing it). Once I get the tests to pass I'll have to run and change the gold tests many of which are failing because of show instances. For example they are expecting modelAssocs = [... and not modelAssocs = fromList [... or something similar.

Do we have a set of tests such that if the branch passes them we can be confident in the correctness of sbv? Or in other words, I want to be extremely confident the branch is sound before issuing a PR; so what is the best way to do that given I'm changing the internals here.

Edit: Added pass/fail numbers

LeventErkok commented 4 years ago

Ah, yes. That refactoring seems to be on the spot. With an ascending conversion to lists from IntMap that should be equivalent to what we currently have, and hopefully faster.

I don't have a set of tests separated out for this purpose. But feel free to send a PR if you're confident enough that whatever else failing is just cosmetic and I'll merge it to master after running the entire test-suite (including doctests). I'm in favor of this change regardless, so we can "fix" whatever bugs it introduces (if any) before making the 8.9 release on hackage.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago


Hi Jeff. What's the status of this? I'm planning to do a release and I can hold off on it if you just need a few more days before a PR is available. If not, that's perfectly fine too; we can always make another release when it's ready.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Hi Levent,

The current status is that we have around ~1k failures on my branch (with gold tests being accepted) compared to only 21 on master. Nothing is stopping this from being merged but I want to get that number down before issuing a PR to eliminate future bug reports as much as possible.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a whole lot of time recently to make progress on this although that'll change after my next paper deadline (Nov 6th). You may have noticed that my contributions to sbv come in waves which reflects these deadlines.

So I think you should go ahead with the release and we can issue another release sometime in mid to late November.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll make a release over the weekend. Thanks!

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Hey Levent,

I've reduced the failing tests on my branch to just 4. 99% of them where caused by this change I made when exploring the space leak.

the remaining errors come from Basics, for example quantified_sat_forallexists_satisfiable_p produces:

SBVTest: Test platform: TestEnvCI CILinux
      quantified_sat_forallexists_satisfiable_p: FAIL (0.03s)

        *** Data.SBV: Unexpected response from the solver, context: getModel:
        ***    Sent      : (get-value (s0))
        ***    Expected  : a value binding for kind: SWord8
        ***    Received  : (error "line 15 column 12: unknown constant s0")
        ***    Executable: z3
        ***    Options   : -nw -in -smt2
        ***    Reason    : Solver returned an error: "line 15 column 12: unknown constant s0"

I've tracked this error down to this line, which I'll just reproduce here to save you a click:

Data.SBV.Control.Query.getModelAtIndex from my branch:

            wasSat,wasNotSat,allModelInputs :: M.Map Quantifier [NamedSymVar]
            -- !wasSat = takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
            -- !wasNotSat = dropWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps -- takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps
            (!wasSat, !wasNotSat) = M.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> k /= ALL) qinps
            !allModelInputs = if isSAT
                                then wasSat
                                else wasNotSat

notice that allModelInputs is a map instead of a list of quantifiers and NamedSymVars

compared to Data.SBV.Control.Query.getModelAtIndex on master:

           -- for "sat", display the prefix existentials. for "proof", display the prefix universals
          let allModelInputs = if isSAT then takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
                                        else takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps

The bug occurs because of differences in behavior between takeWhile and partitionWithKey. On master qinps will look like this: qinps: [(Forall,(s0,"x")),(Exists,(s1,"y"))] which means that takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps = [] because takeWhile will stop at the head element of this list which contains a ALL. However, on my branch the corresponding code (wasSat), will be a map that contains the existential, i.e., qinps = qinps: fromList [(Forall,[NamedSymVar s0 "x"]),(Exists,[NamedSymVar s1 "y"])] and wasSat = fromList [(Exists,[NamedSymVar s1 "y"])].

Furthermore I verified this by running just the failing tests with:

            allModelInputs = if isSAT
                             then mempty -- wasSat
                             else wasNotSat

which would mimic the behavior of the takeWhile because the then branch will return an empty map, as in the case on master and not a singleton map, as in the case on my branch. With this hack all the previously failing tests passed so I know this is the right line of code to change but I'm not sure how to change it.

It seems that the original implementation was wrong in that it was taking any existentials until it found a forall then stopped once it found a forall, but this is throwing away information which seems wrong...so I don't really understand what to do here. Any guidance on the appropriate semantics would be greatly appreciated.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Hi Jeff,

It's possible that I misunderstand your question. But if you're wondering why we have the following code in master:

          -- for "sat", display the prefix existentials. for "proof", display the prefix universals
          let allModelInputs = if isSAT then takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
                                        else takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps

then I can explain that. This code is not buggy, it's written that way on purpose. We have to keep track of the exact alternation of quantifiers, because otherwise, we cannot present the model correctly. Here's an example to illustrate:

Prelude Data.SBV> prove $ forAll ["x"] $ \x -> forSome ["y"] (\y -> x .> (y :: SWord8))
Falsifiable. Counter-example:
  x = 0 :: Word8

In the above, we have to display all the "prefix" univerals, i.e., the value of x, but we cannot display the value of y. This is because the solver is telling us that if x is 0, then this theorem is false; i.e., there is no y to display. That's why we do takeWhile (== ALL) in the prove case. That is, we stop at the first existential, because the counter-example is true regardless of the choice for those variables, i.e., there's no canonical value.

Alternatively, consider:

Prelude Data.SBV> sat $ forSome ["x"] $ \x -> forAll ["y"] (\y -> x .<= (y :: SWord8))
Satisfiable. Model:
  x = 0 :: Word8

This is a sat call, and the solver is telling us if we pick x to be 0, then all y's satisfy it. There's really no point in displaying a particular value of y, because the formula holds for all y. That's why we do takeWhile (/= ALL) in the sat case. That is we stop at the first occurrence of a universal, because the remaining variables will depend on that choice and it's true for all those variables.

I hope this makes it clear. Let me know if I misunderstood your point.

As far as the solution goes, regardless of how you represent the inputs you have to know in which order the user wrote them, as alternating quantifiers have different meanings. (That is, you cannot swap a universal with an existential in their order, or vice versa. It has to be kept as is.) So, you'll have to track the order as they come in. Perhaps associate each with an order number before you put them in the map, and respect that as you determine the model variables? Alternatively, you can keep that part as a good old list as it exists in the master, if the remaining code can be decoupled from that decision.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Hey Levent,

Yup that answered my question and did the trick. I know have all the tests passing. I have to clean up some of the code (removing some SCC annotations) and I want to run some benchmarking but I'll issue the PR today for sure.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Fantastic! Looking forward to the PR, though of course there's no hurry. Do take your time.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Hi Jeff. I'm a bit confused as to where all the commits for performance updates are..

Can you fork off of https://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/commits/perfUpdate rebase and push everything on to that branch? I'll take it from there.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Hey Levent,

This is done.

I finished the IntMap refactor for the quantified inputs over the weekend. Unfortunately the mystery deepens, both Euler185 and U2Bridge still have the same erroneous behavior you identified last week. Just as a sanity check I made sure the these doctests were correct on master and they were, so one of my changes is inducing these bugs.

I'm also confused particularly about Euler185. I'm not familiar with the problem but If the hypothesis is that the ordering in a model is inducing the bug then I would expect the solution must be sensitive to the order (e.g., it can't be a simple sum or anything that is a commutative monoid), but I'm not sure if this is the case with this particular problem. So I wonder if there is some other change that is orthogonal to the IntMap stuff that causing this bug...

Note: I originally pushed with a merge but have finished the rebase and cleaned up the history. Now the commits are correct. It was pretty complicated so I double checked the commits and ran tests, everything looks fine.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago


I pulled in the changes to my own perfUpdate branch and indeed the doctests are still failing.

In which commit did you try to maintain the order of variables as the user wrote them? (Instead of reconstructing in the sorted name order?) I can take a look at that commit to see if I can spot anything.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

@LeventErkok I think the commit you're after is 27e85844adc1b71a89c900eb8d3039fee6f6a6ee, which changes this line to use the semigroup operation on IntMap which should do an order preserving merge.

This specific statement:

try to maintain the order of variables as the user wrote them

Hits the limit of my understanding of the core code base. My working understanding is that mkSymVar is the function to create the user defined variables, and the ordering of them. So my working hypothesis of these bugs is that the internal ordering is sound due to the hard constraint on IntMap but during model retrieval I'm breaking this ordering somewhere. Then for these doctests the results are used in some subsequent computation which also relies on the ordering, which is now broken, hence the bug.

After reviewing our previous conversation in the PR, I suspect that this line is problematic for the same reasons that the previous one was which you pointed out.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

@LeventErkok I've fixed the doctests and pushed to my fork here. I think my suspicions around this line were correct but I want to verify by re-inducing the bug.

I'll merge with LeventErkok/sbv:perfUpdate, and push to my branch. Shall I push to this branch (upstream) as well?

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Great! Yes, please push to LeventErkok/sbv:perfUpdate and I'll merge it after taking a look through to familiarize myself with the changes.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Pushed. I've also narrowed down the bug to this line in this commit: https://github.com/doyougnu/sbv/commit/33e1545c496af1b695d954003620ffcd285ba317#diff-e529dc5fa1e2311a5c79a67b82a089ddbf72f100668999e20cd26d020197304e

It's exactly what we were suspecting, the ordering is broken by a fromList call, it was just in a different area of the code base and that's probably why it only showed up in a few doctests.

For the record I tested it by changing that line to , modelAssocs = Map.toList . Map.fromList . F.toList $ nameAssocs and running the doctest on Euler185.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

I'm having compilation issues. Did you leave out some files from the commit?

[  1 of 105] Compiling Utils.SBVTestFramework ( SBVTestSuite/Utils/SBVTestFramework.hs, interpreted )

SBVTestSuite/Utils/SBVTestFramework.hs:203:96: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[(String,
                  with actual type ‘M.Map [Char] sbv-8.9.5:Data.SBV.Core.Concrete.CV’
    • In the third argument of ‘SMTModel’, namely
        ‘(vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)])’
      In the second argument of ‘showModel’, namely
            [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])’
      In the expression:
             [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])
203 |                                       Right v -> showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])
    |                                                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

SBVTestSuite/Utils/SBVTestFramework.hs:204:95: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[(String,
                  with actual type ‘M.Map [Char] sbv-8.9.5:Data.SBV.Core.Concrete.CV’
    • In the third argument of ‘SMTModel’, namely ‘vals’
      In the second argument of ‘showModel’, namely
        ‘(SMTModel [] Nothing vals [])’
      In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely
        ‘showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing vals [])’
204 |                                       Left  e -> showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing vals []) ++ "\n" ++ e
    |                                                                                               ^^^^

SBVTestSuite/Utils/SBVTestFramework.hs:262:96: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[(String,
                  with actual type ‘M.Map [Char] sbv-8.9.5:Data.SBV.Core.Concrete.CV’
    • In the third argument of ‘SMTModel’, namely
        ‘(vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)])’
      In the second argument of ‘showModel’, namely
            [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])’
      In the expression:
             [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])
262 |                                       Right v -> showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing (vals <> M.fromList [getCV "Result" (literal v)]) [])
    |                                                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

SBVTestSuite/Utils/SBVTestFramework.hs:263:95: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[(String,
                  with actual type ‘M.Map [Char] sbv-8.9.5:Data.SBV.Core.Concrete.CV’
    • In the third argument of ‘SMTModel’, namely ‘vals’
      In the second argument of ‘showModel’, namely
        ‘(SMTModel [] Nothing vals [])’
      In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely
        ‘showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing vals [])’
263 |                                       Left  e -> showModel defaultSMTCfg (SMTModel [] Nothing vals []) ++ "\n" ++ e
    |                                                                                               ^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
doyougnu commented 3 years ago

I didn't build the test suite after changing the modelAssocs type back to [(String, CV)]. I'll be pushing shortly with the fix.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Pushed the fix. Just had to remove some M.fromList's

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Great. I'm still getting a few doctest failures, but looks like these are simply a matter of how the printing changed slightly, as opposed to "correctness."

I'll review those and most likely merge the branch sometime tomorrow.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago


I've looked through the changes and pushed a few commits to the perfUpdate branch to clean up a few things.

Unfortunately, the code isn't matching the master quite yet. The problem is with the getQuantifiedInps function.

Here's the new code:

getQuantifiedInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m UserInps
getQuantifiedInputs = do State{rinps} <- queryState
                         (rQinps, rTrackers) <- liftIO $ getInputs <$> readIORef rinps

                         -- we rely on the nodeId ordering in UserInps to ensure
                         -- the order of quantifiers
                         let trackers :: UserInps
                             trackers = inpsFromListWith (const EX) $ F.toList rTrackers

                         return $ rQinps <> trackers

And here's the old:

getQuantifiedInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
getQuantifiedInputs = do State{rinps} <- queryState
                         ((rQinps, rTrackers), _) <- liftIO $ readIORef rinps

                         let qinps    = reverse rQinps
                             trackers = map (EX,) $ reverse rTrackers

                             -- separate the existential prefix, which will go first
                             (preQs, postQs) = span (\(q, _) -> q == EX) qinps

                         return $ preQs ++ trackers ++ postQs

Unfortunately the new code isn't preserving the semantics here. The idea is to make sure the "tracker" variables (which are always existential) are spliced in after all the existentials but before the universals. The new code isn't doing this, which causes downstream problems. (The semigroup merge operation isn't doing the right thing here.)

Perhaps one way to fix is to change getQuantifiedInputs to simply return the list (i.e., keep the old signature.) But I'll leave it to you to see how you might want to address this change.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Good catch. I'll sync with the perfUpdate branch on master and play around with some implementations. I think the easiest course of action is to use a list, but this is probably some technical debt although it could be worth it given how large this branch has gotten already. I'll leave this decision up to you and probably won't have time to tinker until Saturday.

Ideally the tracker's nodeId's would always have the constraint forall e \in existentials t \in trackers u \in universals. max (nodeID e) < nodeID t < nodeID u), and thus any time a tracker is made it would uphold this constraint, and then the semigroup operator would merge appropriately.

I'm also pretty surprised that this got through all the tests and doctests without throwing an error. This seems like a good candidate to add as a unit test.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

There's a test for it, but looks like the gold-files got fumbled. I found this after looking at the output of:

git diff master -- '*.gold'

There are legitimate changes to gold files, but there's a few that are missing variables in the output models. optQuant2 being one example.)

Looking at your commit histories, looks like there was a commit that "erased" a bunch of output in model values; you then had a separate commit that fixed a bunch of these, but not all. Looking very carefully at the commit-diffs really pays off.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago


I think I've settled on a workable solution for quantified inputs.

This requirement:

The idea is to make sure the "tracker" variables (which are always existential) are spliced in after all the existentials but before the universals

Isn't workable because this ordering will almost certainly differ from than the order of variable creation, which the IntMap enforces, and thus my previous comment about trying to enforce constraints on NodeIds also isn't workable (and would probably be a way more complex implementation). So my working hypothesis was that the requirement that trackers are placed after existential and before universals was only important because the trackers would then be picked up by this line in getModelAtIndex:

          -- for "sat", display the prefix existentials. for "proof", display the prefix universals
          let allModelInputs = if isSAT then takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
                                        else takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps

thus when I changed to the IntMap implementation, the trackers were not included in allModelInputs because prefixExistentials may not include them now that they are in creation-order. Thus if I simply made sure the trackers were added, even if they were interspersed with the existentials then the semantics would be preserved. Furthermore, this would explain why some variables like goal in optQuant2 were missing.

So I changed the internal variables type to:

-- | Internally declared, always existential
type InternInps = IMap.IntMap NamedSymVar

and then tested the hypothesis by ensuring the trackers were added after prefixExistentials:

getModelAtIndex :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> m SMTModel
getModelAtIndex mbi = do
    State{runMode,rinps} <- queryState
    rm <- io $ readIORef runMode
    inputs <- io $ readIORef rinps
          let allModelInputs = if isSAT
                               then ((EX,) <$> internInps inputs) <> prefixExistentials qinps
                               else prefixUniversals qinps

and sure enough optQuant2 produced a model that matches the gold on master (Recall that this fails on the perfUpdate branch because I accidentally nuked the gold tests, sorry!):

      optQuant2: FAIL (0.02s)
        Test output was different from 'SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/optQuant2.gold'. It was:
        Optimal model:
          a    = 0 :: Integer
          b1   = 1 :: Integer
          b2   = 1 :: Integer
          goal = 0 :: Integer

Does this seem like the right direction to you? getQuantifiedInputs is awkward to use with this change because we add the trackers in that function, and then add them again in allModelInputs. Looking through the code base I only see calls to prefixExistential in getModelAtIndex and getAllSatResult so maybe it is fine? If this is right then maybe changing prefixExistential to always include the trackers is the way to go. I've pushed the changes to doyougnu/perfUpdate if you wanted to look at them in more detail.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

I'm a little concerned that as innocuous as the original idea was, it revealed a whole bunch of internal invariants that I couldn't even remember. I'm worried that there might be other pieces of code that rely on this order, where the test-suite is rather weak and thus we don't see the breakage.

Here's an alternative idea. While IntMap is cool, we hardly ever access these SVs out-of-order. So, instead of IntMap, why not use something like Data.Sequence. (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers- This change would keep the code close to the original, almost all list-like operations will continue to work, and it'll bring in efficiency without much work at all.

I'm curious what sort of performance upgrade we'd get by simply converting [] to Data.Sequence, and String to Text. My hunch is that it'll bring all the performance without the added complexity. Experimenting with that design might be well worth the time.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

I agree.

The original decision for IntMap was to ensure the ordering and avoid subsequent sortByNodeIds. But most of the performance issues came from [(,)] begin overly lazy. Just from seeing downstream effects of the change I'm also concerned about the soundness of the perfUpdate branch.

I think a Sequence would be a nice middle ground: it would allow us to build the Sequence's in the correct order instead of reverse'ing. We can use a spine-struct variant to avoid thunks, and as you mention keep the code closer to master. I do still want to de-tangle the rinps :: [((Quantifier, NamedSymVar), [NamedSymVar])] data type because it doesn't convey much meaning to the type system.

What would you like to do with the perfUpdate branch? I have time this week to implement the Sequence design but I think its best to start over from master just in case there are any lingering changes.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago


Let's just abandon the perfUpdate branch. Simply make a new branch, call it perfSequence for instance, and let's build it out of that.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Update on this.

I've implemented the performance updates with a Sequence:

-- | User defined, with proper quantifiers
type UserInputs = S.Seq (Quantifier, NamedSymVar)

-- | Internally declared, always existential
type InternInps = S.Seq NamedSymVar

the key function is lookupInput:

lookupInput :: Eq a => (a -> SV) -> SV -> S.Seq a -> Maybe a
lookupInput f sv ns = res
    i   = getId (swNodeId sv)
    svs = fmap f ns
    res = case S.lookup i ns of -- Nothing on negative Int or Int > length seq
            Nothing    -> secondLookup
            x@(Just e) -> if sv == f e then x else secondLookup
              -- we try the fast lookup first, if the node ids don't match then
              -- we use the more expensive O (n) to find the index and the elem
    secondLookup = S.elemIndexL sv svs >>= flip S.lookup ns

which tries to lookup by node id first, if it finds the right symbol (i.e., the node ids match) then it returns it, if not then it searches for the element with an O (n) linear search (just like Data.List.lookup).

I tried as much as possible to keep the code base as similar to master, for example getQuantifiedInputs is:

getQuantifiedInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m UserInputs
getQuantifiedInputs = do State{rinps} <- queryState
                         (rQinps, rTrackers) <- liftIO $ getInputs <$> readIORef rinps

                         let trackers = (EX,) <$> rTrackers
                             -- separate the existential prefix, which will go first
                             (preQs, postQs) = S.spanl (\(q, _) -> q == EX) rQinps

                         return $ preQs <> trackers <> postQs

which is very close to the list implementation. A few things to note:

  1. I used the semigroup for Sequences which is just Sequence concat >< but I figured the semigroup is more general and easier to maintain if the types change again
  2. Anywhere I saw local functions like nodeId :: SV -> Int I replaced them with the identical function from Symbolic namely swNodeId :: SV -> NodeId and then composed with NodeId's new type for: getId . swNodeId
  3. There is a lot of opportunity to build the sequence from the end instead of consing and reverse-ing. I chose not to do this yet because it would complicate the integration. For example, recordObservable now looks like:
    recordObservable :: State -> String -> (CV -> Bool) -> SV -> IO ()
    -- notice that we cons like a list, we should build at the end of the seq, but cons to preserve semantics for now
    recordObservable st (T.pack -> nm) chk sv = modifyState st rObservables ((nm, chk, sv) S.<|) (return ())

    which still adds at the head position rather than the end position.

  4. With the Sequence we can also operate from the end of the list, for example scanr is scanl but beginning at the end cell rather than the head cell. There are similar cases for takeWhile and the list combinators. It could be worth looking into these for some minor optimizations.

There are 17 failing gold tests. I've seen these errors before but don't really know how to dig into them. Some of them are legitimate and reflect the change others I'm not sure about, here are a few samples of the failures I think are true failures:

      validate_1:                                                                                                                  FAIL (0.01s)
        --- SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/validate_1.gold  2020-11-30 18:08:55.012511796 -0800
        +++ SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/validate_1.gold_temp 2020-11-30 19:11:31.364310376 -0800
        @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
         [SEND] (check-sat)
         [RECV] sat
         [SEND] (get-value (s0))
        -[RECV] ((s0 (_ +zero 8 24)))
        +[RECV] ((s0 (fp #b1 #xfe #b11111111111111111111111)))
         *** Solver   : Z3
         *** Exit code: ExitSuccess
         [VALIDATE] Validating the model. Assignment:
        -[VALIDATE]       x = 0.0 :: Float
        +[VALIDATE]       x = -3.4028235e38 :: Float
         [VALIDATE] There are no constraints to check.
         [VALIDATE] Validating outputs.
uiSat_test3:                                                                                                                 FAIL (0.42s)
        --- SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/uiSat_test3.gold 2020-11-30 18:08:55.011511767 -0800
        +++ SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/uiSat_test3.gold_temp    2020-11-30 19:11:36.350370863 -0800
        @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
         [SEND] (check-sat)
         [RECV] sat
         [SEND] (get-value (q1))
        -[RECV] ((q1 ((as const Array) false)))
        +[RECV] ((q1 (_ as-array q1)))
         [SEND] (get-value (q2))
        -[RECV] ((q2 ((as const Array) false)))
        +[RECV] ((q2 (_ as-array q2)))
         [GOOD] (define-fun q1_model1 ((x!0 Bool)) Bool
        @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
         [SEND] (get-value (q1))
         [RECV] ((q1 ((as const Array) true)))
         [SEND] (get-value (q2))
        -[RECV] ((q2 ((as const Array) false)))
        +[RECV] ((q2 (_ as-array q2)))
         [GOOD] (define-fun q1_model2 ((x!0 Bool)) Bool
        @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
         [SEND] (get-value (q1))
         [RECV] ((q1 (lambda ((x!1 Bool)) x!1)))
         [SEND] (get-value (q2))
        -[RECV] ((q2 (lambda ((x!1 Bool) (x!2 Bool)) (and (not x!1) (not x!2)))))
        +[RECV] ((q2 (lambda ((x!1 Bool) (x!2 Bool)) (and (not x!2) (not x!1)))))
        Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output.
      set_uninterp1:                                                                                                               FAIL (0.02s)
        --- SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/set_uninterp1.gold   2020-11-30 18:08:55.010511738 -0800
        +++ SBVTestSuite/GoldFiles/set_uninterp1.gold_temp  2020-11-30 19:11:33.620337760 -0800
        @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
         [SEND] (check-sat)
         [RECV] sat
         [SEND] (get-value (s0))
        -[RECV] ((s0 (store (store ((as const (Array E Bool)) false) C true) A true)))
        -[GOOD] (define-fun s10 () (Array E Bool) (store (store ((as const (Array E Bool)) false) C true) A true))
        +[RECV] ((s0 (store (store (store ((as const (Array E Bool)) false) C true) B true) A true)))
        +[GOOD] (define-fun s10 () (Array E Bool) (store (store (store ((as const (Array E Bool)) false) C true) B true) A true))
         [GOOD] (define-fun s11 () Bool (= s0 s10))
         [GOOD] (define-fun s12 () Bool (not s11))
         [GOOD] (assert s12)

Both Euler185 and the optQuants pass. I just spot checked these and didn't run the full doctest and I've pushed the branch to sbv/perfSequence

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago


I can get a clean test-suite with this. (You need a freshly compiled z3 from their master github. I suppose your version of z3 is probably a bit old.)

I pushed in a few changes; mostly to make sure getObservables have the same type both in regular (i.e., Query) and Trans modes. That's an invariant we keep: The type of those functions should differ only in one being specialized to the Query monad, and the other being parameterized over the monad itself.

I'm happy to merge this back to master. But let's see if it did the trick. Can you run your benchmarks and let's see if it indeed brings in performance? After we get some positive feedback from that, I'll merge it to master. Great work!

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

I can get a clean test-suite with this. (You need a freshly compiled z3 from their master github. I suppose your version of z3 is probably a bit old.)

Ah yea it is by that standard. I'm using the z3 on nixos stable (4.8.8)

I'll run the benchmarks today to get a read on performance.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Benchmark results, more negative is faster, more positive is slower, tested with z3 4.8.8:

*Main> compareBenchmarks "SBVBenchSuite/BenchResults/master.csv" "SBVBenchSuite/BenchResults/perfSequence.csv"
Benchmark                                                  default(0)(μs) default(1) - default(0)(%)
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------
Uninterpreted//r2                                                10629.59                      -6.36
WeakestPreconditions/Correctness.Length                          12272.40                      -5.48
Miscellaneous//SubsetChar.Union                                  10781.96                      -5.39
Uninterpreted//genLs                                             12453.07                      -5.16
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics y+1                     10363.61                      -5.11
Uninterpreted//univOk                                             2831.77                      -4.86
Miscellaneous//SubsetEquality                                    10923.01                      -4.56
Optimizations/VM.allocate                                         9630.36                      -4.54
Optimizations/Production.production                               8128.62                      -4.38
WeakestPreconditions/Correctness.IntDiv                          13463.93                      -4.29
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex2                                       50446.83                      -4.16
Miscellaneous//JoinMeet.5                                        10563.93                      -4.14
Miscellaneous//JoinMeet.3                                         9801.79                      -3.88
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.correctInvariant           14280.30                      -3.76
Miscellaneous//SubsetEquality.Transitivity                       10635.04                      -3.76
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.Union                         10481.61                      -3.54
WeakestPreconditions//ImperativeGCD                                101.80                      -3.27
WeakestPreconditions/Correctness.IntSqrt                         15161.24                      -3.25
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.alwaysFalseInvariant       10325.80                      -3.25
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.ComplementIdentity            10202.97                      -3.11
Uninterpreted//shannon                                            3329.61                      -3.06
Miscellaneous//JoinMeet.1                                        10424.99                      -2.97
Uninterpreted//t1                                                10211.74                      -2.96
Uninterpreted//synthMul22                                        13526.63                      -2.95
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.loopInvariant              14492.36                      -2.95
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.CompFull                      10293.06                      -2.89
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 1                                        2969.80                      -2.89
Miscellaneous//DeMorgans.Cap                                     10296.68                      -2.76
Miscellaneous//Associativity.Union                               10268.20                      -2.73
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics skip                     9817.75                      -2.50
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Fib                            14395.67                      -2.49
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 6                                       18534.40                      -2.36
Uninterpreted//SFunArray                                          3204.72                      -2.35
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.UnitRight                     10025.05                      -2.16
Uninterpreted//thmGood                                            2893.93                      -2.10
Miscellaneous//SubsetChar.Implication                             9889.23                      -2.06
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.Identity                       9752.85                      -2.01
Uninterpreted//existsOk                                           2741.89                      -1.96
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.UnionUnion                    10439.56                      -1.92
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.alwaysTrueInvariant        11074.91                      -1.88
Puzzles//LadyAndTigers                                           11427.06                      -1.79
Uninterpreted//shannon2                                           3306.00                      -1.67
Miscellaneous//Identity.Intersection                             10075.94                      -1.51
Miscellaneous//Complement.Complement                              9617.45                      -1.48
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.UnitLeft                      10164.49                      -1.40
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.CompComp                      10086.30                      -1.35
Puzzles//Birthday                                                13033.96                      -1.35
Lists//GenFibs                                                 2104068.73                      -1.35
Uninterpreted//noWiggle                                           2943.85                      -1.32
Miscellaneous//Intersection.Difference                            9620.64                      -1.30
Miscellaneous//InclusionIsPO                                      9703.25                      -1.30
Miscellaneous//JoinMeet.4                                         9676.70                      -1.29
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.InterInters.2                 10323.73                      -1.28
Miscellaneous//Absorption.Cap                                    10009.25                      -1.26
Optimizations//Enumerate.firstWeekend                             9923.90                      -1.24
Miscellaneous//DistributionSubset.Union                          10950.43                      -1.24
Miscellaneous//Commutivity.Intersection                          10120.87                      -1.24
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 8                                      184294.51                      -1.21
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.ComplementUnion               10172.22                      -1.19
Miscellaneous//DeMorgans.Cup                                     10352.04                      -1.17
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 3                                        4235.81                      -1.13
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.badMeasure1                14569.85                      -1.12
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 5                                       15879.27                      -1.05
ProofTools//BMC.ex1                                               8231.46                      -1.04
Miscellaneous//Identity.Union                                    10042.82                      -1.03
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex3                                       19864.42                      -1.00
Miscellaneous//Distributivity.Union                              10223.81                      -0.99
Optimizations//Enumerate.WeekendJustOver                          9649.48                      -0.99
Puzzles//Puzzles.SendMoreMoney                                   21614.76                      -0.96
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.Intersection                  10428.69                      -0.93
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.UnionInters                   10283.19                      -0.92
Miscellaneous//SubsetChar.Intersection                           10365.84                      -0.83
Uninterpreted//SArray                                             3263.14                      -0.79
Miscellaneous//Absorption.Cup                                     9995.29                      -0.76
Miscellaneous//Commutivity.Union                                 10050.87                      -0.73
Miscellaneous//SoftConstrain                                     13361.83                      -0.73
Miscellaneous//Distributivity.Intersection                       10287.84                      -0.70
Puzzles//Garden                                                 121714.73                      -0.61
Miscellaneous//Complement.Intersection                            9582.74                      -0.58
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Sum.badMeasure2                13944.01                      -0.55
BitPrecise//Fast-min                                              5631.68                      -0.53
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex5                                       29785.52                      -0.50
Miscellaneous//RelativeComplements.InterInters.1                 10217.07                      -0.43
Miscellaneous/genVals                                           119800.35                      -0.39
Miscellaneous//DistributionSubset.Intersection                   10867.96                      -0.35
Strings//puzzle1                                                 21640.44                      -0.25
Miscellaneous//Complement.Union                                   9661.13                      -0.22
Miscellaneous//SubsetChar.Complement                             10167.47                      -0.17
ProofTools/Fibonacci.Correctness                                 35680.72                      -0.15
Lists//CheckMutex.5                                             121389.82                      -0.14
Lists//NotFair.3                                                 21227.04                      -0.12
Miscellaneous//Tuple                                             74405.11                      -0.10
Puzzles//Coins                                                  121797.49                      -0.03
Lists//NotFair.5                                                 82702.13                      -0.02
BitPrecise//MultMask                                             64778.00                      +0.02
Miscellaneous//Complement.Empty                                   2163.98                      +0.02
Miscellaneous//Complement.Unique                                 10455.03                      +0.03
ProofTools/Sum.Correctness                                       34423.91                      +0.20
Puzzles//sudoku 5                                                43498.25                      +0.27
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics x>-5                     9725.71                      +0.27
Puzzles//sudoku 2                                                44028.80                      +0.29
Puzzles//sudoku 0                                                71399.18                      +0.32
Miscellaneous//Associativity.Intersection                        10211.70                      +0.32
Strings//FindInjection                                         7444303.42                      +0.33
Uninterpreted//Correctness                                        3426.89                      +0.33
Puzzles//MagicSquare.magic 2                                      3422.73                      +0.33
Puzzles//sudoku 1                                                31370.04                      +0.36
Miscellaneous//JoinMeet.2                                        10167.99                      +0.38
Lists//CheckMutex.3                                              24159.47                      +0.38
Puzzles//sudoku 6                                                70519.35                      +0.38
Puzzles//sudoku 4                                                57918.89                      +0.39
ProofTools//BMC.ex2                                              19145.45                      +0.39
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex1                                       19725.50                      +0.41
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex4                                       29140.26                      +0.43
Puzzles//MagicSquare.magic 3                                     30923.57                      +0.48
Miscellaneous//Complement.Full                                    2164.39                      +0.49
Puzzles//sudoku 3                                                44485.06                      +0.53
Miscellaneous//MaxE                                              11582.14                      +0.55
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 4                                        8099.57                      +0.55
Strings//puzzle3                                                 65664.36                      +0.63
Miscellaneous//MinE                                              11035.72                      +0.69
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics x>0                      9846.59                      +0.81
Miscellaneous//test.2                                             2946.63                      +0.82
Lists//NotFair.1                                                 12356.44                      +0.84
Puzzles//DogCatMouse                                             11728.74                      +0.86
Transformers//Example.1                                          10036.90                      +0.95
Miscellaneous//Idempotency.Cup                                    9381.04                      +0.95
Optimizations//ExtField.problem                                   7613.39                      +0.99
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 2                                        3283.18                      +1.07
WeakestPreconditions/Correctness.Append                          14045.27                      +1.08
Uninterpreted//test                                              11302.03                      +1.10
Transformers//Example.2                                           9825.43                      +1.12
ProofTools//Strengthen.ex6                                       48770.63                      +1.30
Puzzles//NQueens.NQueens 7                                       60300.37                      +1.36
Miscellaneous//Idempotency.Cap                                    9438.48                      +1.44
Optimizations//Enumerate.AlmostWeekend                            9659.31                      +1.54
Miscellaneous//Four                                              10106.07                      +1.56
Miscellaneous/Birthday                                           11390.14                      +1.62
Lists//CheckMutex.1                                              11019.93                      +1.85
Miscellaneous//Domination.Cap                                     9883.81                      +1.89
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.GCD                            14677.98                      +2.07
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics skip-assign             10387.55                      +2.08
Optimizations/LinearOpt.problem                                   7804.04                      +2.54
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics y > x                    9537.83                      +2.66
Strings//puzzle2                                                 23291.55                      +2.69
Miscellaneous//test.1                                             3115.55                      +2.85
WeakestPreconditions//Correctness.Basics y is even               11005.52                      +2.97
WeakestPreconditions//ImperativeFib                                 81.66                      +3.47
Miscellaneous//Domination.Cup                                     9881.55                      +3.47
BitPrecise//Fast-max                                              5412.08                      +3.55
Miscellaneous/Problem                                            10605.33                      +4.45
Miscellaneous//Elts                                              10145.72                      +4.49
Transformers//Example.3                                             16.16                      +5.84

This probably won't exercise the space leak which from my observation only occurs when several models (>10 and over 1000 variables) are being requested, but it is a good data point regardless. In order to test the original use case I'll have to update my library which depends on sbv and profile it, which I won't get to until tomorrow most likely.

I bet these numbers will approach the IntMap results (which were likely incorrect anyways) as we migrate more of the code to Sequence and therefore remove reverse's. But I think this is a good point to merge based on these results.

I think these results show that the changes are equivalent for the documentation examples. One might be able to make a case that it is slightly more performant (more - than + but the majority of these are probably within noise, e.g., Miscellaneous//Tuple 0.10 is percent better), but the real win, at least for me, is that profiling is easier because the types now have names and thus space leaks are easier to track down.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Let's give it a day or two and see if the original concern with large models/variables benefit from the changes. I suspect you might want to make a few more tweaks depending on what you find out there. I'll merge once the dust settles.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

@doyougnu Any progress on this? Should we merge to master?

doyougnu commented 3 years ago

Hey Levent,

I haven't had a chance to rerun the original dataset to check the original issue. I will have time this weekend because my preliminary exam is Friday and so my work load will clear up and I can finally get back to programming :)

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Good luck with the exams! No hurry on the merge, it'll eventually go in I'm sure.

doyougnu commented 3 years ago


Looks like a decent improvement, this used to take 158MB now is down to ~35MB.

LeventErkok commented 3 years ago

Great! All merged to master and good to go. Thanks for the contributions.

cartazio commented 1 year ago

I was talking with @doyougnu this last week and it sounded like there was some further work to be done in this direction. But I can’t seem to find an active ticket around what he mentioned to me.

LeventErkok commented 1 year ago

I’m not aware of any other tickets. It’s likely there are other leaks, so would be good to dig deeper if anyone has the motivation and the resources.