LeventErkok / sbv

SMT Based Verification in Haskell. Express properties about Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT solvers.
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Puzzle example #637

Closed LeventErkok closed 1 year ago

LeventErkok commented 1 year ago

Coding https://github.com/goldfirere/video-resources/blob/main/2022-08-12-java/Haskell.hs using SBV. Make this an example.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}

import Data.SBV
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

data Orangutan = Merah   | Ofallo  | Quirrel  | Shamir   deriving (Enum, Bounded)
data Handler   = Dolly   | Eva     | Francine | Gracie
data Location  = Ambalat | Basahan | Kendisi  | Tarakan

mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Orangutan
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Handler
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Location

data Assignment = MkAssignment { orangutan :: SOrangutan
                               , handler   :: SHandler
                               , location  :: SLocation
                               , age       :: SInteger
                               deriving (Generic, Mergeable)

main :: IO ()
main = print =<< allSat puzzle

mkSym :: Orangutan -> Symbolic Assignment
mkSym o = do let h = show o ++ ".handler"
                 l = show o ++ ".location"
                 a = show o ++ ".age"
             s <- MkAssignment <$> pure (literal o) <*> free h <*> free l <*> free a
             constrain $ s.age `sElem` [4, 7, 10, 13]
             pure s

puzzle :: Goal
puzzle = do
   solution@[_merah, ofallo, quirrel, shamir] <- mapM mkSym [minBound .. maxBound]

   let find f = foldr1 (\a1 a2 -> ite (f a1) a1 a2) solution

   -- 0. All are different in terms of handlers, locations, and ages
   constrain $ distinct (map (.handler)  solution)
   constrain $ distinct (map (.location) solution)
   constrain $ distinct (map (.age)      solution)

   -- 1. Shamir is 7 years old.
   constrain $ shamir.age .== 7

   -- 2. Shamir came from Ambalat.
   constrain $ shamir.location .== sAmbalat

   -- 3. Quirrel is younger than the ape that was found in Tarakan.
   let tarakan = find (\a -> a.location .== sTarakan)
   constrain $ quirrel.age .< tarakan.age

   -- 4. Of Ofallo and the ape that was found in Tarakan, one is cared for by Gracie and the other is 13 years old.
   let clue4 a1 a2 = a1.handler .== sGracie .&& a2.age .== 13
   constrain $ clue4 ofallo tarakan .|| clue4 tarakan ofallo
   constrain $ sOfallo ./= tarakan.orangutan

   -- 5. The animal that was found in Ambalat is either the 10-year-old or the animal Francine works with.
   let ambalat = find (\a -> a.location .== sAmbalat)
   constrain $ ambalat.age .== 10 .|| ambalat.handler .== sFrancine

   -- 6. Ofallo isn't 10 years old.
   constrain $ ofallo.age ./= 10

   -- 7. The ape that was found in Kendisi is older than the ape Dolly works with.
   let kendisi = find (\a -> a.location .== sKendisi)
   let dolly   = find (\a -> a.handler  .== sDolly)
   constrain $ kendisi.age .> dolly.age


*Main> main
Solution #1:
  Merah.handler    =   Gracie :: Handler
  Merah.location   =  Tarakan :: Location
  Merah.age        =       10 :: Integer
  Ofallo.handler   =      Eva :: Handler
  Ofallo.location  =  Kendisi :: Location
  Ofallo.age       =       13 :: Integer
  Quirrel.handler  =    Dolly :: Handler
  Quirrel.location =  Basahan :: Location
  Quirrel.age      =        4 :: Integer
  Shamir.handler   = Francine :: Handler
  Shamir.location  =  Ambalat :: Location
  Shamir.age       =        7 :: Integer
This is the only solution.