LewisLabUCSD / Mito_Trace

Tracking cell-lineage using mutations in the mitochondrion genome.
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growth of poisson refactor #18

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growth of poisson refactor


from numpy import random
import os
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
#from src.config import ROOT_DIR
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import seaborn as sns
import glob
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import metrics
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from pandarallel import pandarallel

from mplh.color_utils import get_colors
from mplh.fig_utils import legend_from_color
from mplh import cluster_help as ch
from src.simulations.utils.config import read_config_file, write_config_file

from dynamicTreeCut import cutreeHybrid
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from src.simulations.utils.config import check_required

class Simulation:
    Lineage tracing simulation. Will initialize cells based on
    their parameters and grow as well. This should be a flexible
    framework, to add different ways to initialize, grow, and metrics to
    have. Additionally can cluster these results.

    def __init__(self, params_f):
        if isinstance(params_f, str):
            params = read_config_file(params_f)
            params = params_f

        self.params = params
        check_required(params, ['initialize', 'num_cells', 'num_mt_positions', 'prefix'])
        self.prefix = params['prefix']
        self.num_mt_positions = params['num_mt_positions']
        self.num_cells = params['num_cells']
        if not os.path.exists(params['local_outdir']):

    def initialize(self):

    #should be external method
    def grow(self):
        p = self.params
        type = p["growth"]["type"]
        if  type == "poisson":
        elif type == "binomial":

    # Static Method
    def clone_counts_to_cell_series(clone_counts):
        clone_counts = np.array(clone_counts)
        num_cells = clone_counts.sum()
        clone_cell = -1 * np.ones(shape=[num_cells, ])

        clone_cell[:clone_counts[0]] = 0
        for ind, val in enumerate(clone_counts[1:]):
            start = clone_counts[:ind + 1].sum()
            end = clone_counts[:ind + 1].sum() + val
            # starts at sum(clone_counts[i-1]) ends at clone_counts[i].sum()
            clone_cell[start:end] = ind + 1

        clone_cell = pd.Series(clone_cell, dtype=int)
        return clone_cell

    def init_clone_dict(self):
        ### Add in potential to overwrite the values

        # Gets the clone dictionary. Should also have clone to mt dict.
        clones = self.params['initialize']['clone_sizes']
        num_cells = self.num_cells

        # Option 1: List of fraction of size of each clone. 0s are nonclone size, listed first
        if type(clones) == list:
            #clone_cell = pd.Series(index=range(num_cells))
            clone_counts = np.random.multinomial(num_cells, clones)
            clone_cell  = self.clone_counts_to_cell_series(clone_counts)
            self.clone_cell = clone_cell
        # Option 2: 1 clone. ID'd as 1
        elif type(clones) == int: #One number for dominant clone. the others are not.
            clone_cell = np.zeros(shape=[num_cells,])
            clone_cell[:num_cells] = 1
            clone_cell = clone_cell[::-1]
            clone_cell =  pd.Series(clone_cell, dtype=int)
            self.clone_cell = clone_cell

        # Option 3 To ADD, beta binomial and more complex distributions

        self.num_clones =  len(set(clone_cell.values))-1 # Remove the non-clone
        return clone_cell

    def init_cell_coverage(self):
        There are different modes to the coverage, either a constant or through a distribution.
        p = self.params['initialize']['coverage']
        type = p['type']

        num_cells = self.num_cells
        num_pos = self.num_mt_positions
        c = np.zeros([num_cells, num_pos])

        if type == 'constant':
            c[:, :] = p['cov_constant']
        elif type == "poisson":
            # Get the number of coverage per cell based on poisson (should be reads)
            mu_cov_per_cell = p['mu_cov_per_cell']
            num_reads_per_cell = random.poisson(lam=mu_cov_per_cell,

            # Number of reads at each position, based on the average for each cell
            for i in num_cells:
                c[i, :] = random.poisson(num_reads_per_cell[i],
        self.cells_mt_coverage = c
        return c

    def init_cell_af(self):
        Initialize the cell-by-mtPos af dataframe. Unless a clone:mt dict was provided,
        the first N MT positions will be the clone AFs.
        Creates self.clone_mt_dict and self.cell_af"""

        p = self.params['initialize']

        hets = self.params['het']
        q = self.params['het_err_rate']
        clone_df = self.clone_cell
        num_clones = self.num_clones
        n_cells = self.num_cells
        n_mt = self.num_mt_positions

        # Output
        cell_af = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape=[n_cells, n_mt]))

        if 'mt_clone_map' in p and p['mt_clone_map'] is not None:
            self.clone_mt_dict = p['mt_clone_map']
            # Each clone points to a mt position
            self.clone_mt_dict = dict()
            for i in range(1,num_clones+1):
                self.clone_mt_dict[i] = i

        # TODO Add the MT clone map so it can contain multiple mutants in lineages

        # If there is a heteroplasmy table in params, it is list of mutant heteroplasmy AFs.
        # If not, will randomly draw based on number of clones
        if type(hets) == list:
            if (len(hets) != num_clones):
            assert(len(hets) == num_clones)

            ## Loop through each clone,
            ## Generate the AF for the clone and non-clones using coverage for each cell
            ## Fill in cell_by_af for that position.
            for ind in range(1, num_clones+1):
                # Generate AF: (clone_df ==  ind).sum()
                n_dom_cells = (clone_df==ind).sum()
                het = hets[ind-1]

                curr_mt = self.clone_mt_dict[ind]

                if p['coverage']['type'] == 'constant':
                    c = p['coverage']['cov_constant']

                    af_i = random.binomial(c, het,
                                           n_dom_cells) / c
                    af_j = random.binomial(c, q,
                                           n_cells - n_dom_cells) / c

                    # Update the dom_cells and non_dom for the current MT
                    cell_af.loc[np.flatnonzero(clone_df == ind), curr_mt] = af_i
                    cell_af.loc[np.flatnonzero(clone_df != ind), curr_mt] = af_j

                # Each cell and position has it's own coverage value, so need to update each
                    c = self.cells_mt_coverage
                    #Get the cells coverage for the mt position
                    curr_mt_cov= c[:, curr_mt]

                    # Get cell indicies for the clones and nonclones
                    curr_clone_inds = np.flatnonzero(clone_df==ind)
                    curr_nonclone_inds = np.flatnonzero(clone_df!=ind)
                    for cell in curr_clone_inds:
                        # Get one value for curr_mt and cell based on coverage
                        cell_af.loc[cell, curr_mt] = random.binomial(curr_mt_cov[cell], het)
                    for cell in curr_nonclone_inds:
                        cell_af.loc[cell, curr_mt] = random.binomial(curr_mt_cov[cell], q)
                # Loop through each coverage
                #for c in n_dom_cells:

        # TODO
        # Add noise to the other non-lineage positions
        self.cell_af = cell_af

    def init_clone_mt(self):
        p = self.params
        if p["initialize"]['type'] == 'growth':
            ## TODO
            # Create a phylogeny and then get the averages of the mutants
        # If not growth, should aready be there.

    def average_clone_mt(self):

    def extract_clone_cells(self, clone_id):
        ids = np.flatnonzero(self.clone_cell == clone_id)
        return ids

    def simulate_expand_cells_af(self, af, growth_inds, sigma):
        Given a cell-by-af vector, expand the AF.

        Expanded AF occurs by duplicating cells that grew based on
        the growth_inds vector. It will add standard error to each
        af based on sigma
        :param af:
        :param growth: Indices of AF to copy
        :param sigma: Variance to add to AF of child.

        new_af = af.iloc[growth_inds].copy() + random.normal(0, sigma, size=af.iloc[growth_inds].shape)
        new_af.index = np.arange(af.index[-1]+1, af.index[-1]+1+new_af.shape[0])
        new_af = pd.concat((af,new_af), axis=0)
        #new_af = np.append(af, np.concatenate(new_af))
        return new_af

    def grow_binomial(self, p):
        timesteps = p["time_steps"]
        rates = p["rates"]

        sigma = self.params['growth']["mutant_af_sigma_noise"]
        cell_af = self.cell_af
        clone_mt_dict = self.clone_mt_dict

        num_clones = self.num_clones+1
        new_dict = {}
        for curr_clone in range(num_clones):
            curr_rate = rates[curr_clone]
            ids = self.extract_clone_cells(curr_clone)
            new_cells = cell_af.loc[ids].copy()
            for i in range(timesteps):
                # Simulate growth for each clone separately.
                growth_inds = np.flatnonzero(random.binomial(1, curr_rate, size=new_cells.shape[0]))
                #new_ids =
                new_cells = self.simulate_expand_cells_af(new_cells, growth_inds, sigma)

            new_dict[curr_clone] = new_cells
            # Create list of cells

        ## new_lineage_mutants chances. This will see if a mutation will change

        ## Add death + stimulation rate as well as growth
        # Save the new cell clones df and cell af
        clone_counts = [i.shape[0] for i in new_dict.values()]
        self.new_clone_cell = self.clone_counts_to_cell_series(clone_counts)

        self.new_cell_af = pd.DataFrame(new_dict[0])
        for clone in range(1, self.num_clones+1):
            self.new_cell_af = pd.concat((self.new_cell_af, new_dict[clone]),axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)

    def grow_poisson(self):
        # TODO growth of poisson refactor

    def subsample_new(self, to_delete=False):
        new_cell_af = self.new_cell_af
        p = self.params
        if 'sequence_subsample' in p and p['sequence_subsample'] is not None:
            self.subsample_new_cell_af = new_cell_af.sample(n=self.params['sequence_subsample'])
            self.subsample_new_cell_af = new_cell_af.sample(n=self.num_cells)

        self.subsample_new_clone_cell = self.new_clone_cell.loc[

        if to_delete:
            self.new_cell_af = None
            self.new_clone_cell = None

    def combine_init_growth(self):
        clones = pd.concat(
            (self.clone_cell, self.subsample_new_clone_cell)).reset_index(
        combined_cell_af = self.cell_af.append(self.subsample_new_cell_af).reset_index(drop=True)

        combined_meta = np.concatenate((np.ones(shape=[self.cell_af.shape[0],]), np.zeros(shape=[self.subsample_new_cell_af.shape[0]])))
        combined_meta = pd.Series(combined_meta, name='After Growth', dtype=int)
        assert(combined_meta.shape[0] == self.cell_af.shape[0]+self.subsample_new_cell_af.shape[0])
        assert (combined_cell_af.shape[0] == self.cell_af.shape[0] +
        assert(combined_meta.shape[0] == clones.shape[0])
        assert(combined_cell_af.shape[0] == clones.shape[0])
        self.combined_meta = combined_meta
        self.combined_clones = clones
        self.combined_cell_af = combined_cell_af

    def save(self, f_save=None):
        if f_save is None:
            f_save = os.path.join(self.params['local_outdir'], self.params['prefix']+'.p')
        f = open(f_save, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, 2)

    def save_to_mgatk_format(self):
        Converts into the proper files needed for mgatk. (i.e variant and coverage files)

    def load(self):
        filename = self.params['filename']
        f = open(filename, 'rb')
        tmp_dict = pickle.load(f)

    def compare_before_after(self):
        Creates a df that contains information on
        the number of cells from each clone before as well as after.
        df.at[ind, "Dominant Before"] = (full_sim.clone_cell == 1).sum()
        df.at[ind, "Dominant After"] =  (full_sim.subsample_new_clone_cell == 1).sum()



    def cluster_compare_before_after(self):
        Compares the performance of clustering on grouping the same
        clones together.

    def plot_cluster(cell_af, cell_meta=None, mt_meta=None, f_save=None):
        ch.plot_cluster(cell_af, row_meta=cell_meta, col_meta=mt_meta,
                        fsave=f_save, to_col_clust=False, to_z=True)

    def cluster(cell_af):
        Dynamic tree clustering of the rows of cell_af
        :param cell_af:
        distances = pdist(cell_af, "euclidean")
        link = linkage(distances, "average")
        clusters = cutreeHybrid(link, distances)['labels']
        return clusters

    def cluster_kmeans(cell_af):
        distortions = []
        inertias = []
        mapping1 = {}
        mapping2 = {}
        K = range(1, 10)
        for k in K:
            # Building and fitting the model
            kmeanModel = KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(cell_af)

                np.min(cdist(cell_af, kmeanModel.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'),
                       axis=1)) / cell_af.shape[0])

            mapping1[k] = sum(
                np.min(cdist(cell_af, kmeanModel.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'),
                       axis=1)) / cell_af.shape[0]
            mapping2[k] = kmeanModel.inertia_

def main():

if "__name__" == "__main__":
 No newline at end of file
eleted file mode 100644
ndex e67049d..0000000
++ /dev/null
