: changes in .py file: path to /lexnlp/extract/en/*.py file
2.1. :amount.py : In the MAGNITUDE_MAP, there is an additional entry made by Kronicle for Indian numbering system units.
In the CURRENCY_SYMBOL_MAP, there is an additional entry made by Kronicle for Indian Symbol system units
2.2. :courts.py added the kronicle_indian_courts file path
: geoentities.py : adde the geoentities and geoaliases file path
added the lexnlp package:
:extra adeed the file: 1.1. court file added path--> path to/lexnlp/config/en/kronicle_indian_courts.csv
1.2. :geoentities file path-->path to/lexnlp/config/en/kronicle_geoentities.csv
1.3. :geoaliases file path --> path to/lexnlp/config/en/kronicle_geoaliases.csv
1.4. :company file path ---> path to/lexnlp/config/en/kronicle_company_types.csv
: changes in .py file: path to /lexnlp/extract/en/*.py file
2.1. :amount.py : In the MAGNITUDE_MAP, there is an additional entry made by Kronicle for Indian numbering system units. In the CURRENCY_SYMBOL_MAP, there is an additional entry made by Kronicle for Indian Symbol system units
2.2. :courts.py added the kronicle_indian_courts file path
: geoentities.py : adde the geoentities and geoaliases file path