LexTheGreat / TLX.Takistan

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Move terror hideout to South Takistan #22

Open gioporta opened 8 years ago

gioporta commented 8 years ago

I believe the terror hideout should be down south, similar to where the original Mujahideen territory was. This gives terrorists a longer travel time to Rasman (where most go), gives Opfor a chance to conduct counter-terrorism operations that have an impact, while also bringing more 'action' and people down in South Takistan.

Same thing goes for Smuggler. It was down here before, I don't know why it moved to the Northern side of Checkpoint Delta. More depth is needed down here.

ToneAbet commented 8 years ago

+1, I think this should be posted on the forums. The area surrounding Feruz Abad would make for some mad action. Plz :D